AVL Climatic Chamber


Climatic Chamberは、試験環境でバッテリー、燃料電池、e-モーター、e-アクスルに関して、極端な環境条件における

Climatic Chamber Battery Pack Testing

バッテリーパック、モジュールおよびセル、燃料電池、e-モーターおよびe-アクスルに関する各ソリューションは、いかなる環境においても安全かつ確実に動作しなければなりません。この環境には、極端な温度や湿度が含まれます。こうした極端な温度や湿度は、試験コースや路上走行時での実際の試験シナリオでは再現できません。そのためAVLは、モジュール式のAVL Climate Chamberを開発しました。


Interior view of the climate chamber with a battery pack as a test object

この気候室は、IEC 60068-3-5規格に準拠した加熱と冷却の温度勾配を持ち、指定された温度範囲内で動作します。平均温度は、熱負荷のない供給空気で測定され、熱補償値は使用される電源の種類に基づいて調整されます。




屋外設置の場合, サーマルテストベンチ一式をコンテナ内に設置することができ、熱試験のニーズに対応した多用途で効率的なソリューションを提供します。




40 °C up to +90 °C


2 K/min or 4.5 K/min


16 m³ or 22 m³


720 – 1.500 liter




12 °C up to 30 °C

安全バージョン ハザードレベル6まで


Climatic Chamber
Battery Cell Testing

Our battery cell testing climatic chambers are designed to hold up to 12 or 16 cells, making them ideal for rigorous testing. They offer a wide temp-erature range from -40°C to 90°C and use environmentally friendly CO2 as a refrigerant. The chambers are equipped with a water-cooled system to maintain optimal conditions and ensure even airflow, minimizing tem-perature fluctuations. With the ability to quickly heat or cool, these chambers are perfect for testing in various scenarios. They are energy efficient, supporting heavy racks with loads up to 500 kg, with an option for 750 kg. Integrated in the AVL Battery Cell TS™, they deliver accurate test results.

Climatic Chambers
Battery Pack and Fuel Cell Testing

Our climatic chambers for battery pack and fuel cell testing provide precise control over internal operating temperatures, with a temperature range of -40°C to +90°C. These chambers are available in volumes of 16 m³ or 22 m³, with customizable sizes also possible. They ensure reliable testing results and adhere to IEC 60068-3-5 standards. The temperature gradient for heating and cooling is carefully managed, with average values measured in the supply air, even without a thermal load. For battery prototypes, our chambers can be flooded as a safety measure to prevent critical thermal issues, ensuring protection for both the batteries and the surrounding building.

→ More on Battery Pack and Fuel Cell Testing Climatic Chamber

Product Image of the Climatic Chamber for Battery Cell Testing
Climatic Chamber for Battery Pack and Fuel Cell Testing
Safety Systems

Our climate chamber can be designed for EUCAR Hazard Level 4 or Hazard Level 6. They also offer superior safety with flooding options for maximum protection of the testbed and facility. Moreover, we provide customized battery testing safety systems with our automotive testing experience.

Individual Solutions

Our climatic chambers offer a seamless integration into existing testbeds with their unique and application-based design, facilitated by pre-defined interfaces. With their high functional flexibility, these chambers allow for easy and fast upgrades. Each climatic chamber can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of every customer.

Individual Design and
Premium Material

The climate chamber is constructed of high-alloy, corrosion-resistant steel. They are suitable for testing batteries, fuel cells or electric drives. Porthole packages, mounting options and electrical feedthroughs are specifically designed for each test area.

E-Motor and E-Axle Testing AVL ConsysActive Monoblock AVL Gas Sampling Unit Tech Center Module Battery Module Testing
Climatic Chamber for E-Motor and E-Axle Testing

E-Motor and E-Axle Testing

Our climatic chamber for e-motor and e-axle testing is engineered for maximum efficiency and sustainability. Its compact design optimizes space utilization while reducing energy consumption and operational costs. A dedicated air conditioning unit precisely controls temperature and humidity, delivering conditioned air through insulated hoses to maintain a stable testing environment. This setup enables flexible test cell configurations while ensuring highly accurate and repeatable results. Designed for seamless installation and maintenance, the system supports reliable, high-performance testing to meet the most stringent industry standards.

Product Image of the AVL ConsysActive Monoblock Solution

AVL ConsysActive Monoblock

Walk-in climatic chambers are the state-of-the-art solution for battery, fuel cell, and other components testing. However, their large size and volume present certain complexities in project logistics, onsite installation, and commissioning. The ConsysActive Monoblock solution is supplied as a single unit, making it easy to integrate into locally sourced enclosure solutions or retrofit existing ones. The complete cooling, heating, and humidification system is designed for seamless and efficient integration. The climate system is thoroughly tested in advance to ensure optimal integration and performance.

→ More on ConsysActive Monoblock

Watch our video

Product Image of the AVL Gas Sampling Unit

AVL Gas Sampling Unit

Testing a battery cell, module, or pack can damage the unit under test, resulting in various EUCAR hazard levels. When Hazard Level 4 or higher is reached, a large amount of characteristic gases are released. Quick detection of these gases can help prevent damage to the climate chamber or the entire testbed by allowing immediate fire suppression measures. The AVL Gas Sampling Unit analyzes the gas composition in the test chamber in less than ten seconds and takes action to address safety issues. Additionally, it can be integrated with existing safety systems to enhance overall testbed security.

→ More on Gas Sampling Unit

Tech Center Modules for Battery Pack Testing

Tech Center Module

The AVL Tech Center Modules are versatile container solutions designed for rapid and flexible expansion of testing capabilities. These modular units offer a robust and mobile platform for technical equipment and measurement systems, facilitating the swift setup and adaptation of test infrastructures. The tech center module for battery and fuel cell testing serves as a cost-effective and quickly available solution for climatic testing of battery packs, modules and fuel cells. This module achieves a short delivery time by optimizing a standard solution with proven components, ensuring both efficiency and reliability. 

→ More on Tech Center Module for Battery Pack Testing 

Watch our video

Climatic Chamber for Battery Module Testing

Battery Module Testing

The climatic chambers for battery module testing offer a spacious solution with capacities up to approximately 6 m³ and a temperature range from -40°C to 90°C. Fully integrated into the AVL Battery Module TS™, these chambers allow comprehensive testing of larger battery modules, ensuring accurate simulation of real-world conditions. The integration allows for efficient and precise control, which is critical for evaluating battery performance and safety. With the option of a double side door with window, the chamber can be rotated 90° and has an additional door for even greater flexibility and accessibility during testing.

Peter Kerschenbauer

「AVLは、お客様のニーズに適合するテストベンチ設計において、優れた実績と長年の経験を持っています。そのため、AVL Climatic Chambersは、パフォーマンス、安全性、顧客満足度の全てにおいて最高水準を達成しています。

AVL List GmbH Global Product Manager Peter Kerschenbauer

AVL E-Mobility Testing Solutions – Brochure

Tested and Trusted.

AVL Thermal Testing Solutions – Brochure

Keep Cool, Drive Further.

AVL Climatic Chamber Portfolio – Brochure

Ensuring E-Mobility Reliability Through Extreme Environmental Testing.

AVL ConsysActive Monoblock – Solution Sheet

Streamlined Climate Control - One Unit for All Testing Needs.

Tech Center Module – AVL Battery Pack TS™ – Solution Sheet

The fast track to battery testing excellence.

AVL Gas Sampling Unit – Solution Sheet

Application-driven solution for best-in-class thermal development.

Climatic Chamber for Battery Pack and Fue Cell Testing – Solution Sheet

Simulating Extreme Environments for Optimal Performance.

Overview of the AVL conditioning systems

Thermal conditions and environment of Units Under Test have strong impacts on real results in driving. For this reason, the thermal simulation must be as exact as possible – which can be achieved via deployment of high performing media conditioning systems.

AVL ThermalLab with a virtual vehicle
AVL ThermalLab™

AVL ThermalLab™ tests the entire VTMS, including all coolant circuits and the refrigerant cycle, under dynamic conditions using model-based testing. The UUT is the complete VTMS embedded in an emulated vehicle while the environment is fully simulated. The entire system can be tested in the lab under realistic driving and ambient conditions.

E-Mobility Test Center; Battery Test Center


Test Systems for battery cells
AVL Battery Cell TS™


Battery Pack Test Center
AVL Battery Module/Pack TS™

We offer complete test systems for the testing of modules/packs. Learn more about which hard- and software products are included in our test systems. 

e-motor performance testbed


Electric Driveline Development


AVL Customer Services

Your success is our goal. This is what we are aiming for and this is how we understand AVL Customer Services since decades. Our goal is not new, but the way how we do it, is constantly evolving.

AVL customer support
Customer Support

The primary goal for our AVL Customer Support Teams is, to be a helpful and reliable partner for all kind of questions and issues you might have, when using AVL’s technology.

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