

Fascination has a new dimension

The AVL AMA SL™ is a high-end exhaust measurement system that is revolutionizing emission testing for engine exhaust gas measurement. It is ideally suited to both research and development applications and certification for all types of engines and fuels. It comes with analyzers offering broad dynamic measurement ranges for THC, CH4, NO/NO2/NOX, CO2, CO and O2.

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Strict emission legislation and long test cycles, such as Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Cycles (WLTC) and hybrid cycles, are driving a significant increase in demand for emission testing. Furthermore, powertrain and testbed complexity are growing in order to deliver the flexibility required to address a range of different applications.  All this results in different challenges that require testbed downtimes and operating costs to be minimized. And, in many cases, the testbed CO2 footprint must also be considered. With the AVL AMA SL™ we have created a solution to these challenges. And more.

Ever more stringent emission legislations with new and longer test cycles, along with the growing complexity of engine and powertrain testbeds all place high demands on exhaust emission testing technology:

  • Multi-step exhaust aftertreatment system analysis requires a higher number of exhaust gas sampling points. Yet the sampling volume must have no effect at all on the engine or the exhaust aftertreatment system. 
  • The measuring systems are part of complex testbeds with numerous test parameters, so they must be capable of effortless integration into the testbed automation system. 
  • The systems’ efficiency depends on highly stable operation, reliable measuring results and user-friendly servicing concepts. 
  • For testbed operation to be cost-efficient, maintenance requirements must be minimal and the number of costly and time-consuming test runs for each measuring task must be as low as possible. 
  • Due to the large number of necessary measuring systems, system operation represents a significant cost factor.
AVL AMA SL in Operator Room

High Quality and Efficiency in a Slimline Package

The AVL AMA SL™ is a high-end measurement device that provides you with reliable and accurate exhaust gas insights:

  • Wide dynamic measurement range for up to eight exhaust gas components in one stream
  • Additional calculation of the exhaust gas recirculation rate (EGR) by measuring CO2 from a second sample point 
  • Simultaneous measurements with one system at two sampling points, e.g. in order to assess the catalyst efficiency
  • Parallel exhaust measurements at multiple sampling points for a wide range of engine sizes thanks to a 75 % reduction in exhaust sample volume, and a 90 % reduction in EGR sample volume. 
Technical Data  

Voltage supply

100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Internal voltage 24 V / 48 V DC
Weight Max. 260 kg
Ambient temperature 5-43 °C / 41-109.4 °F
Relative humidity Max. 80 % non-condensing
Pressure 800-1,050 hPa
AVL AMA SL with AVL PRE-FILTER SL and Operator

The AVL AMA SL™ completely redefines the status quo of exhaust emission testing. The main advantages of the revolutionary design are:


Its slim footprint with a depth of only 30 cm opens up totally new possibilities in test center design.


Its unique, robust, and service-friendly design allows for a maximum testbed availability by e.g. 50 % reduction in service time.


It is designed to operate with very small sample flows without an impact on the unit under test.


Lower than with any other measuring system, it consumes 40 % less energy and halves maintenance requirements. 


40% lower CO2 footprint, 30% less wear parts, 10% reduced gas consumption compared to conventional systems

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, the AVL AMA SL™ offers the following features:

Significantly reduced noise emissions, power consumption and heat dissipation

The AVL AMA SL™ is the discreet star of the testbed and excels due to its sustainability. It requires less energy, gives off less heat and is pleasantly quiet. It can therefore also be installed in the operator room.

Risk-free internal access due to 24/48 VDC operation

Owing to extra-low voltage supply, the system is safely accessible during operation too. This allows the staff to service an analyzer, for example, while the other analyzers continue to complete their test order. Additionally, there are no country-specific designs for the system components. 

Easy handling

The measuring system is automatically registered in the testbed network and integrated with just a few mouse-clicks. The AVL AMA SL™ control software is based on the powerful iGEM software platform, which works perfectly together with the AVL PUMA Open 2™ testbed automation system.


The AVL AMA SL™ has been proven to be reliable and stable and we clearly see its advantages.

– Dr. Michael Röbel - Head of Process Technology and R&D Investments, DEUTZ AG 

AVL SlimLine™ Dilution Systems
AVL SlimLine™ Dilution Systems

The new benchmark for full-flow diluted emission testing is designed to take up much less space than conventional system cabinets and is built to use less energy.

sesam i60

The AVL SESAM i60 FT SII is a Fourier-Transform Infra-Red exhaust gas measurement system offering evaluation methods optimized for different fuels and applications.

AVL iCAL Emission Calibration Devices

The AVL iCAL product line includes everything you need to accurately calibrate emission measurement devices according to the legal obligations of global markets.


The AVL SHED FID SL is designed for measuring diluted Total Hydrocarbon (THC) emissions, especially for SHED applications.

Filter Weighing Robot
AVL Filter Weighing Management

Learn more about our Filter Weighing portfolio existing of Filter Weighing Chamber, Filter Weighing Robot and the tailored software tool AVL ParticleScale.


The AVL VT/VV-SHED (Sealed Housing for Evaporative Determination) systems constitute a state-of-the-art test system for testing evaporative emissions.


AVL CANLOAD is designed for the automated execution of conditioning and aging cycles of canisters containing activated carbon from the automotive sector.


AVL FUELLOAD is designed specifically for fuel conditioning and refueling procedures of vehicles or tank systems in the context of ORVR test procedures.

iGEM 2 Test Automation Solution
AVL iGEM 2™ Test Automation

AVL iGEM 2™ is our cutting-edge test automation solution for your energy and emission testing needs. It delivers high-quality data for certification and R&D testing.

Lab Management for Vehicle Process Overview
AVL Lab Management™ for Vehicle

Achieve process safety and higher efficiency with our modular and scalable Lab Management for Vehicle solution.

Process Control Modules
AVL Process Control Modules

AVL Process Control Modules constitute a powerful selection of software modules to assist you in all necessary steps involved in the testing process and result evaluation.

Customer Services
Customer Services for Testing Solutions

The AVL Customer Services organization consists of more than 700 service- and application engineers worldwide, operating from more than 50 locations. Our global footprint is your local benefit.

AVL iGeneration SII Systems

The AVL iGENERATION Series II clears the way for intelligent and intuitive R&D and certification emission testing according to the latest worldwide emission regulations.

Insights EU7 Standards
Insights and Interpretation Into the Latest EU7 Standards

WEBINAR - The upcoming European vehicle emission standards Euro 7 publication by the European Commission will outline testing and certification updates which will need to be addressed when developing future propulsion solutions.

H2 Testing
Hydrogen ICE Testing - Challenges and Solutions

WEBINAR - Hydrogen has the potential to be used to facilitate the shift towards zero CO2 and zero impact pollutant emissions in transport, marine, and industrial internal combustion engine (ICE) applications.

Emission NFZ Key Visual final 22.11.2019
AVL Digital Tech Day: EURO 7 Regulations and Beyond

In the coming years and decades, vehicle manufacturers and suppliers will have to face various global challenges. Reducing global warming, avoiding further greenhouse gas emission and improving local air quality will have a direct impact on relevant

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A Guide to Vehicle Emissions and Energy Testing

In this webinar, Kurt Engeljehringer shares details of AVL’s free Emission and Energy Testing Handbook, which aims to help engineers understand and navigate this complex topic.

AVL Opens New Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Test Center in Graz
Greater test capacities for innovative energy and propulsion solutions
Gustav Tuschen Portrait
Gustav Tuschen Joins the Executive Board of AVL

AVL List GmbH has appointed Gustav Tuschen as new board member and Executive Vice President. The top manager with international experience was previously at Daimler Buses, where he was head of development. As of December 1, 2022, the 60-year-old is responsible for the corporate development and global alignment of AVL in the commercial vehicles sector.