


Process Innovation Services

完成車メーカー各社は新たなパワートレイン技術と自動運転機能の採用に伴い、車両製品群と技術ロードマップを見直さなければなりません。この見直しにより、特に試験実施の面で多くの課題が生じることになります。新技術のバリエーションや可能な組み合わせの数が多いため、複雑さが増しています。新たなグローバル排出物基準と自動運転向け安全規制だけではありません。                      当然ですが、必須の試験作業数も急増しています。

開発効率は常にAVLが取り組む事業の中心に位置づけられています。     お客様の開発・ラボ・ITにおけるプロセス、従業員のスキル、既存の開発環境の3領域を改善することができます。適切なスキルを構築し、適切なツールと組み合わせることが重要です。AVLはお客様とともに、変化の兆しを発見してから実装に至るまでの道のりを進んでいきます。

Process Innovation Services


Process Innovation Services


Process Innovation Services
6 step process for Process Innovation Services


Rainer Schantl


- AVL チーフエンジニア(プロセスイノベーションおよび実装) Rainer Schantl

  • 開発効率の向上
  • 市場投入までの期間の短縮
  • 高度な仮想化によるコスト削減と品質向上
  • ソフトウェアを中心としたデータドリブンアプローチへの移行
  • 開発環境とツールを適切に組み合わせてタスクを解決
Process Innovation Services
battery lifetime prediction

 A customized solution to monitor vehicle fleets and battery conditions on the road by using the Internet of Things (IoT) and a cloud-based analytics platform.

Dynamic Calibration of E-Drive and E-Axle: BEV - Mixed Prototype

Elevate your development game: transition optimization tasks to component level for cost reduction, accelerated decision-making, and streamlined development processes.



From Virtual to Real_small (1)
Earlier, Faster, Cheaper, Better – How to Accelerate the Vehicle Development Process and Utilize the In-Use Phase?

Today’s state-of-the-art vehicle development process is characterized by strict processes, component-based organizations with clear roles and a hardware-oriented mindset. New entrees (OEMs), new technologies and methods are changing the process towar

Webinar 3_Virtual Prototype_Data_Landscape Format
Digitalization of the Vehicle Development Process – What to Do Next?

Modern vehicle development processes are complex, and they involve the entire organization for years. It is becoming increasingly difficult to master the vast complexity associated with vehicle development. Relying merely on heterogeneous simulation

How Can Decisions on Development Efficiency Be Made For a Competitive Vehicle Portfolio?

Two things prompt OEMs to rethink their vehicle portfolio and technology roadmap: the rapid progression of the automotive industry towards new powertrain technologies – legally compliant with the lowest environmental footprint - combined with the eme

Augmented Development (1)
What Does a Future-Proof Open Development Ecosystem Look Like?

The current situation of the automotive industry is undergoing a fundamental change. The classical vehicle development process faces many challenges: increasing technical complexity (parallel development of many propulsion systems and new topics like

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