Download: AVL Electrolyzer System Solutions - Solution Sheet

Download: AVL Electrolyzer System Solutions - Solution Sheet

Accelerating the Deployment of Green Hydrogen Production.

Hydrogen is widely recognized as a promising energy vector to replace fossil fuels. However, to establish hydrogen as the backbone of our energy infrastructure, a significant ramp-up in technological readiness and deployment of large-scale electrolysis systems is required. The industrialization of water electrolysis systems, however, does pose significant challenges:

• Most of the research is based on cell and stack whereas the scaleup into large scale (i.e. multi-megawatt) systems is often underestimated.

• Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) and calibration of operation and control strategy are often performed on site, which leads to significant development risks.

• Independent validation and verification as well as long-term operational monitoring required to improve robustness and overall efficiency is not commonly established

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