The people at AVL IT support all of AVL’s business areas – all over the world. But how do they do it? “Well, that’s exactly what we want to show our visitors on IT Day,” says Florian Lichtenegger, Project Manager AVL IT. “We demonstrate how IT and related activities support AVL globally, and we use the occasion to showcase innovations and trends.”
In their opening address, CEO Helmut List and CIO Christian Neugebauer presented an overview of IT achievements and developments of the past years, making people want to explore this year’s IT Day. Perfectly planned and organized in trade fair format, the event allowed around 550 attendees to engage in intensive dialog with IT colleagues and 17 AVL cooperation partners at more than 45 information booths. Covering nine different ranges of topics, this year’s event turned out to be the largest IT Day ever organized.
Taking place at the Helmut List Halle in Graz for the first time, the event venue alone is proof enough of the steadily rising interest in IT Day; the AVL Forum had simply become too small.