integrated and open development platform
D E C EMB E R 2 0 1 8 3 3
AVL’s data management tools
turn complexity into security,
efficiency and power.
Innovation in the automotive
industry is accelerating at a dramatic
pace. This is essential, in order
to keep up with emissions legislation,
driver and market demands,
and new technological revolutions,
such as ADAS. This means that as
the powertrain gets more efficient,
as electrified technologies become
commonplace, and as vehicles become
more advanced, their complexity,
and that of the development
cycle, has increased by orders
of magnitude. And so too have the
volumes of data that are produced in
their development.
Managing and making best use of
all this data is a huge challenge in itself,
and in many large organizations
a range of data formats and storage
systems prevent data being shared
and utilized efficiently between different
departments. This leads to data
silos and the results of expensive test
programs not being used to their
maximum effectiveness.
AVL has more than seven decades
of automotive development experience,
a vast portfolio of tools and
services, and a global network of
experts who are all well versed in
the generation and handling of large
amounts of data. To be able to share
this competence with our customers,
we have developed tools for the
handling and management of this
complex issue.
AVL SANTORIN MX 2™ is a lab data management solution that enables
the efficient storage of data throughout its life cycle on its central ASAM
ODS server – regardless of its source. But it offers a lot more than just storage.
Automatic categorization allows for intelligent search, reporting, and for
external data analysis tools to efficiently process large amounts of data. A
central hub for development engineers, SANTORIN MX 2 includes powerful
features that handle the complexity of large data volumes with ease.
Tracking and managing both new and historically obtained data, harmonizing
and qualifying data during system integration, and server-based
processing and reporting tasks are all functions of SANTORIN MX 2.
And while it is a powerful tool when used on its own, in conjunction with
AVL CONCERTO 5™, the benefits increase exponentially.
The generic data processing platform, CONCERTO 5 adds meaning to
data, by allowing for the comparison of simulation and measurement
results. This is supported by the automated adaptation of channel names
and units, and enables powerful decision-making tasks to be undertaken
based on its standardized report generation.
The flexible integration of third-party algorithms allows for the easy reuse
of existing knowledge. When combined with SANTORIN MX 2,
calculations and interactive layout elements can be stored and distributed
for maximum benefit.
With more than 23,000 users worldwide, CONCERTO 5 is an industry-standard
central data correlation tool for a wide range of automation,
simulation and measurement systems.
When paired seamlessly together, SANTORIN MX 2 and CONCERTO 5
shift data processing tasks to powerful data evaluation servers. This increases
the efficiency of daily tasks, saving time and cutting costs. Used together,
these tools offer automation of reporting and calculation tasks and a high
degree of standardization.
Used in combination these two tools become an innovative solution to the
consistent management and utilization of data throughout the entire vehicle
development process. Security, standardization and efficiency are all ensured
when you generate knowledge from data using SANTORIN MX 2 and