advanced simulation technologies 2 5
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ate an accurate simulation which you can then explore further in virtual reality.
It enables us to optimize space to accommodate as much equipment
as possible, and also to consider an ergonomics and workflow perspective.
This approach allows you to interact with the space and everything in it,
long before the physical upgrade takes place.
Redefining the relationship with the space and exploring the ergonomics of
the testfield, supports the creation of a development strategy and a workflow
free from unexpected bottlenecks, designed for the best results.
Devices can be placed where they offer the most value to the workflow
instead of simply where there is available space. It means that your entire
physical development architecture can be structured to support your strategy
and goal. It is possible to perform this planning before any changes
have been conducted in the real world, or any investment in hardware has
been made – often many months ahead of schedule.
Ensuring usability, productivity and flexibility, our virtual approach allows
you to explore a new and upgraded facility before it is built. It offers valuable
insights into the best configurations to help meet your productivity
and development goals, manage costs and ensure quality.
Our approach allows you to get to know how the testfield will operate long
before it is built. It lets you explore how new technology will integrate with
existing devices, and how many units under test can be managed at any time,
ensuring the highest quality of the final product, and maximized throughput.
“This technology is a game changer,” says Stephan Nadim, Head of VR
Technology. “It lets you adopt a right-first-time approach, so there are no
unexpected surprises waiting for you after you have committed to your
investment. It builds confidence and certainty.”
With our 3D scanning and virtual reality approach we remove the trial-anderror
and the guesswork out of creating an efficient development workflow.
Making the most of what is already available, and embracing your
future needs without the commitment of large-scale upfront investment.