1 2 instrumentation and test systems
Going From Design
to Success
From challenging new
As the automotive industry
mobility requirements
adapts to the electrification of the
powertrain, technologies such as fuel
to successful testing
cells and ADAS, and increasingly
results, we’re helping
stringent global legislation, test
centers must adapt and grow. In
our customers shape
some cases, completely new facilities
must be built to offer the capacity
their future
to meet growing testing demand.
Test facilities must support the
needs of today’s product portfolio,
and the portfolio of tomorrow.
They must be safe, consider the environmental
concerns of the market
and legislators, offer high operational
efficiency and provide value
for money. At AVL we apply our
experience and services to let you
manage these challenges.
From concept studies to the execution
of turnkey testing solutions,
we offer complete end-to-end solutions
for upgrading existing facilities,
or the construction of new
ones. We start with our consultancy
service to understand your specific
needs, and then move into the design
engineering phase and translate
those needs into building layouts
to host the test equipment, offices,
workshops and all needed utilities.
Step-by-step we then proceed with
you into the procurement phase.
We assess the best products, services
and solutions from both AVL
and third parties, to ensure the correct
balance between functionality,
quality and cost. In the fourth execution
phase we steer all installation
and construction to meet the targets
that were defined at the start of the
process, before everything culminates
in the fifth in-use phase.
Whether you are looking for all
five phases, or just individual solutions,
we can provide a tailored
approach to fit your needs, as we
have already done on more than
130 projects. Two such examples
are AMG and Bertrandt.
At AVL we help our customers visualize
the future of their development architecture,
long before they commit to large-scale investment.