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Conventional testing, whether on the road or proving ground – or overseas
in different climatic environments – is normally a manual process. A
driver and calibration engineer in a vehicle conduct a series of maneuvers
and then return the data to the office for analysis. If more data is required,
the vehicle goes back onto the road, and the process is repeated.
This is slow and costly, typically with data siloes hindering data processing
and increasing effort. To streamline the process we offer solutions that
join the dots, in varying degrees of connectedness. Our simplest offering
focuses on central data storage and management, which speeds up the analysis
of the data, offers traceability and reuse, and is a great improvement
on conventional methods.
Building on this foundation we can also introduce in-vehicle testing solutions
that do away with the need for the calibration engineer to be in the
car. Instead the driver is guided to complete predetermined maneuvers until
the required data has been successfully collected. Simple to install and
use, the system safely and quickly ensures that you get the data you need.
This approach is well suited to applications such as ADAS fleet validation
activities, vehicle validation and certification, and BEV function testing.
Reducing data siloes, testing time and manpower, this approach also increases
quality with reliable and repeatable results that support calibration
and certification. This ensures the targets achieved in simulations and on
the testbed are also met in the real world.
One of the added values of this method comes with the ability to conduct
real-world testing remotely. With travel greatly restricted due to the pandemic,
and the increasing pressure to reduce costs in all areas, in-vehicle
testing can now occur with the calibration engineer in the office and the
test driver on the track – even if they’re on opposite sides of the world.
Once the tests are prepared and uploaded
to a data center, the driver
simply downloads them with a click
of a button – anytime, anywhere –
to the vehicle. If the maneuvers in
the vehicle don’t meet the preselected
test criteria, the system guides the
driver to repeat them until they have
all been completed.
It is fully integrable – and open to
AVL and non-AVL hardware and
software with open interfaces –
allowing for consistent testing processes
and guaranteeing revision
safety. Integrated planning, testing
and data handling produce an automated
testing process with strong
data intelligence.
Our connected approach offers
huge benefits, from simple logistics
management or data handling, right
through to a completely digitalized,
connected approach of the entire invehicle
testing process. And whether
it is cost and time-saving you’re
seeking, reduction of complexity,
or an increase in quality and compliance,
it offers all these benefits
in an open package that can be integrated
with minimal disruption.
In-vehicle testing, though, with its
need for multiple drivers and exhaustive
requirements, is logistically
difficult, expensive and extremely
time-consuming. And now, with
calibration engineers unable to travel
due to global Covid-19 restrictions,
alternative ways of working are required.
This is where our in-vehicle
testing solutions can help.