Press Release

Little AVL Kids Make a Big Difference

On the initiative of the Employee Engagement department and in cooperation with the AVL Crèche and AVL Kindergarten, a joint social project was launched for the first time this year: 


On the initiative of the Employee Engagement department and in cooperation with the AVL Crèche and AVL Kindergarten, a joint social project was launched for the first time this year: The motto was: "With and for one another, helping wholeheartedly, what a wonderful world."


With this fundraising activity, AVL shows that it takes social responsibility very seriously, because, as Markus Tomaschitz, Head of Human Resources, puts it, AVL not only takes responsibility for its own employees within the company, "this initiative also supports other people who didn't have such a good time this year." The idea was to show that by painting pictures little girls and boys can achieve very big things. The paintings were presented in an exhibition. A number of suppliers supported the initiative by making a donation to the association "Steirer helfen Steirern:" An amount of almost EUR 6,000 was raised, which will benefit Styrian families in time for Christmas. The Employee Engagement department would once again like to thank the children and the suppliers for their social commitment.

RAVENOL is an internationally recognized manufacturer of high-performance oils and lubricants for automotive, motorsport, and industrial applications. With a history of almost 80 years, RAVENOL is dedicated to providing innovative oils that meet the highest performance standards in motorsport, ensuring optimal engine efficiency and protection under extreme conditions.


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