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AVL Software and Functions GmbH - Leonberg
Reimagining Motion
Location type
Branch Office
+ 49 7152 5699101
Part of
AVL Software and Functions GmbH
AVL Software and Functions GmbH - Munich
Location type
Branch Office
+49 89 3074970
Part of
AVL Software and Functions GmbH
AVL Software and Functions GmbH - Regensburg
Location type
Affiliate Headquarters
+49 941 630890
Part of
AVL Software and Functions GmbH
AVL Software and Functions GmbH - Roding
Reimagining Motion
Location type
Branch Office
+49 941 630890
Part of
AVL Software and Functions GmbH
AVL Software and Functions GmbH - Unterschleißheim
Reimagining Motion
Location type
Branch Office
+ 49 941 630890
Part of
AVL Software and Functions GmbH
AVL Software and Functions GmbH Sp. z o. o. - Warsaw
Location type
Branch Office
+48 (0) 781 706 968
Part of
AVL Software and Functions GmbH
AVL South America Tech Center
Location type
Tech Center
Part of
AVL South America Ltda.
AVL Taiwan
Location type
Branch Office
+886 3 346 8888
Part of
AVL SEA & Australia Co., Ltd.
AVL TCG Gothenburg
Location type
Branch Office
+46 8 500 656 00
Part of
AVL MTC Motortestcenter AB
AVL Technical Centre Coventry
AVL UK Tech Center Coventry
Location type
Tech Center
+44 24 7509 1240
Part of
AVL Powertrain UK Limited
AVL Tippelmann GmbH - Berlin
Location type
Branch Office
+49 30 92124250
Part of
AVL Tippelmann GmbH
AVL Tippelmann GmbH - Neuenstadt am Kocher
AVL Tippelmann
Location type
Affiliate Headquarters
+49 7139 931800
Part of
AVL Tippelmann GmbH