On Demand

Introducing AVL Scenario Simulator™: A Free Simulation Platform for Scenario-Based ADAS/AD Testing

AVL Scenario Simulator™

AVL Scenario Simulator™ is a cost-optimized solution for fully automated, large-scale ADAS/AD testing. Build the optimal virtual prototype for each test purpose. Equipped with lightweight, high-performance models as well as open interfaces, Scenario Simulator offers maximum flexibility with easy integration of your ADAS/AD software and other simulation models or tools.

One of its highlights are the high-performance statistical sensor models. They are the missing piece that enables scalable closed-loop testing of planning and controls without resource-intensive physical/raw sensor simulation. This is especially important as the number of sensors increases with the automation level.

Join our webinar and learn all about our Scenario Simulator and how you can get and use the free version including all the functions of the tool.

Recording available - 60 min
Presentation language
  • Integrate ADAS/AD software, models, tests and tools via open and standardized interfaces.
  • Included performant, object-based sensor models and vehicle dynamics enable cost-efficient scaling to millions of tests.
  • Run parallel simulations on local machine or scale in cloud.
  • Full automation via Python scripting API
  • Standardized sensor interface and result visualization (ASAM OSI®)
  • Standards: OpenSCENARIO, OpenDRIVE, OSI, FMI, ROS, …

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Simon Terres, AVL List GmbH

Simon Terres

Solution Manager ADAS/AD Scenario Based Simulation

AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies

Scenario Simulator Open Training
Open Training for AVL Scenario Simulator™

Our simulation expert will give you a free training where he will walk you through all the typical steps necessary to integrate and test an Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) or Automated Driving (AD) software in a virtual environment.

Hands-on Workflow Demonstration of AVL SCENIUS™ for Scenario-Based Testing and Safety Argumentation

Scenario-based testing is established as an efficient method to test critical traffic situations in a reproducible way. The AVL SCENIUS™ toolchain for scenario-based testing ensures end-to-end consistency and traceability, from the requirements to test reports, enabling a thorough safety argumentation and type approval process.