How Validated Powertrain Models Facilitate Suppliers' Component Development


During the concept development phase, engineers often struggle to find realistic component data in order to parameterize their simulation models. Most of the time, they operate with generic data not representing reality. This is where AVL CRUISE™ M comes into play. Through our validated powertrain model library, we make sure that your systems meet your design expectations and targets quickly. We do this by providing high maturity validated models which you can use to benchmark your own powertrains fairly and effectively against the competition, and to analyze the impact of design alternatives. In this free webinar we will cover two Battery-Electric Vehicle validated models, the process of model creation and the benefits of having such models.

Recording available - 60 mins
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  • Process of creation of validated models
  • System level energy consumption and vehicle performance analysis
  • Realistic environment for component development
  • Know-how about the load of their components under typical operating points
  • Investigation of dynamic processes during a cycle run and benchmark of the new developed components with the original ones

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Adrien Balihe

Marin Miletic

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