The new AVL VSM™ release presents new interfaces and co-simulation capabilities, additional vehicle templates and examples.
Virtual vehicle development, calibration and testing requires flexibility to support environments such as Windows and Linux as well as different real-time platforms for driving-, hardware-, software-in-the-loop and ADAS applications. The VSM vehicle models and parameterizations can now be exported as a self-contained Functional Mock-Up Unit (FMU), empowering even more the usage of the same simulation model from office to various other environments.

Setting up a complete vehicle model, tracks and maneuvers from scratch can be cost and time consuming, demanding several loops until they are ready for initial simulation activities. The VSM installation brings multiple vehicle templates to support an efficient start, and 2023 R2 added one more tractor template (compact class) and new examples for fast charging performance analysis (passenger car) and external tire models integration in VSM.

The VSM 2023 R2 (including add-ons) is also part of the vSUITE 2023 R2, empowering vehicle system simulation and optimization with the unique all-in-one solution.
Hexagon VTD now offers VSM as add-on, including multiple vehicle classes and adjustable parameters to support ADAS applications with high correlation vehicle dynamics.