With the ever-increasing demands on the internal combustion engine (ICE), engineers are constantly faced with new challenges in the design of modern intake and exhaust systems. These optimization processes include not only aftertreatment, but also areas such as turbo charger matching, cam profiles, as well as combustion and emissions. With the migration of AVL BOOST™ to the multidisciplinary system simulation tool AVL CRUISE™ M, we are taking model-based development processes to a next level. The 1D thermodynamics model, which can be connected to other CRUISE M domain models, such as for cooling, lubrication, powertrain, etc., form together with the existing 0D solution a powerful simulation environment. This enables you to have a consistent and efficient development process of various powertrain types from the concept phase to calibration. Get an overview of our 1D thermodynamics solution and its modern graphical user interface with a wide range of new features and register for our webinar.