

Streamline your structure dynamics simulations

Model, simulate, assess, and optimize structural dynamics, NVH, and durability of all types of propulsion systems.


Rattling noises and constant vibrations are not only irritating, but also stressful. Especially if you are exposed to them over a longer period of time, e.g. on long-distance journeys. Noise and vibrations therefore not only affect the driving pleasure and comfort of the passengers, but also their safety. At the same time, vehicle drivers want more and more power. This in turn means that higher loads make faster wear and acoustic problems more likely.

With AVL EXCITE™, you get an innovative multi-body dynamics software solution for powertrain analysis. The tool calculates the dynamics, vibration and acoustics of combustion engines, transmissions and complete ICE-based or electrified drive units.

Various measures must be taken to increase the efficiency and lifetime of powertrains and individual components. Reducing friction and accurately predicting noise excitation and radiation are crucial. 

Using elastic components and taking into account nonlinear contact points, such as plain bearings and piston-liner contact in internal combustion engines or tooth contact and roller bearings in gearboxes, EXCITE determines realistic excitations and vibrations. Thus, on the one hand, the strength and lifetime of components can be predicted with a high degree of certainty and, on the other hand, the exact vibrations and radiations of the component surfaces can be predicted for an accurate noise prediction.

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Cost Pressure

Physical tests require prototypes, are time and personnel intensive and thus costly


Development time is not always balanced with development effort


Increasing number of interacting and thus interdependent components

Accuracy vs. Speed

Optimization of one side is often at the expense of the other.


Strict requirements for product functionality, quality, and safety must be met

Starting with simple modeling of geometry, using rigid bodies and linking the components with plain or roller bearings, gear pairs as well as rotational coupling elements such as couplings or splined shafts, a simulation model can be quickly built.

With the help of the integrated Component Modeler, sophisticated FE models can be seamlessly prepared and flexible components can be created. Fully integrated assemblies, e.g. for planetary gear sets or crank trains, offer an enormous simplification for the creation of complex calculation systems. The interaction of the components can be easily checked with the help of a kinematic calculation and animation. This is followed by the actual simulation.  You can choose between fast analyses in the frequency domain or non-linear analyses in the time domain for detailed investigations.

As a user you automatically receive for evaluation: Campbell diagrams for series calculations and a standardized report as PowerPoint or PDF file.

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EXCITE supports the modeling of components, subsystems and complete drive units with varying levels of detail. The software is tailored to the requirements of the analysis and ensures an optimal balance between simulation effort and accuracy.


The EXCITE solver was designed for performance from the start. This allows you to perform detailed investigations of specific phenomena in a timely manner.


The simulation depth of the detailed physical models ensures high quality results. This allows the number of prototypes to be reduced, which in turn shortens development time and saves costs.

Multilevel Approach

There are different modeling depths for the individual components and the overall system. This provides a balance between the accuracy specified by the application goal and the modeling and simulation time. The simulation models can be extended and further detailed during the development process.


Different gear stages including planetary gear sets as well as e-motor types (PMSM, SCIM, EESM) with controlling and rotor eccentricity can be dynamically mapped and calculated for e-axis systems. In addition to NVH analyses, influences of manufacturing tolerances can also be investigated and optimized with regard to durability and noise.


The influence of friction, lubrication and wear under dry and lubricated conditions is essential in many technological fields. With the help of EXCITE you can reduce friction, optimize wear and thus increase the durability of bearings and components and reduce energy consumption.

NVH Simulation

One of EXCITE's core competences is the calculation of structure-borne and airborne noise of powertrain units. Evaluation tools such as Operational Deflection Shape (ODS), Numerical Transfer Path Analysis (NTPA) and Modal Contribution Factors (MCF) give you answers to the causes and sources of excitation and vibration.

3D Piston Ring Simulation

EXCITE Piston & Rings provides a reliable solution for 3D piston ring simulation. With the 3D rings created fully automatically by the ring modeler, the influence of ring deformation on blow-by, friction, wear and lubrication oil consumption can be analyzed. In addition, the bore deformation from an EXCITE piston-liner contact calculation can also be taken into account.

AVL White Paper – AVL E-Motor Tool™ – Bridge the Gaps in E-Motor Development Workflow

Development processes that rely heavily on simulation have been honed over time for conventional powertrains, but they could also be applied to e-drive development. However, some gaps specifically related to the e-drive development, must be bridged to ensure a smooth development process. This whitepaper demonstrates how the innovative E-Motor Tool supports e-drive development.

The AVL E-Motor Tool™ - Easily Parameterize the E-Motor Emulator for Inverter Testing

E-Motor Emulator is used for the physical testing of the inverter removing the need for a physical e-motor. With AVL E-Motor Tool it is possible to effortlessly design a customized e-motor tailored specifically to your inverter testing needs. The precise set of parameters for this e-motor are provided to the E-motor Emulator in one click.

AVL Customer Case Study - EHD Bearing Simulations on WinGD 2 Stroke Engines

Increased demand to minimize cylinder distance for new twostroke, low-speed marine engine developments, including new engine structure concepts and design-to-cost approach, result in an increased need for EHD calculations of WinGD`s main bearings.

Find out how our multi-body dynamics simulation solution AVL EXCITE™ helped WinGD to successfully deal with this challenge.

AVL White Paper – Predictive Transmission NVH Analysis for ICE Based and Electrified Powertrains

Download our white paper to discover how simulation can be applied to optimize key powertrain NVH attributes, extending classical IC engine NVH to modern powertrains including highly complex transmissions and electrified powertrains.

AVL Customer Case Study - NVH Simulation at Deutz

Legal constraints which impose ever stricter emission limits are forcing engine manufacturers to drastically reduce the sound emission of their products. In addition, increasing end customer expectations require a greater focus on the acoustic behaviour of an engine. 

AVL Customer Case Study - System Simulation in BEV Development at EDAG

For battery electric vehicles (BEV), the high-voltage storage unit is the crucial component in terms of performance, efficiency and range. To optimize these attributes extensive investigations are required. Both in the overall vehicle context and under different, sometimes extreme boundary conditions.

E-Drive Simulation
E-Drive Simulation

Electrified vehicles (EVs) are measured by their performance, range and cost. In addition, a compact powertrain design is desired, which has implications for thermal management.
The nearly silent operation of e-motors makes the vehicles quieter, but results in various noises and vibrations no longer being masked by the engine.

ICE Durability and NVH Simulation
ICE Durability and NVH Simulation

AVL is a leader in the use of simulation in vehicle development. Our simulation solution for combustion engines is used by most engine manufacturers worldwide.

With simulation, we achieve three things in powertrain development: First, we ensure durability for all components - from the crankshaft to the connecting rod and plain bearings to the entire...

High Fidelity E-Motor Dynamics and NVH Simulation

Properly considering the excitation of the e-motor is essential when analyzing the NVH of e-drives. Typically, electromagnetic forces on the stator and torque on the rotor are precalculated using electromagnetic tools.

Hybrid Transient Conditions
Transient Dynamic Simulation of E-Drive and Hybrid Powertrain

E-drives and hybrid powertrains often operate in transient conditions with changing loads and speeds, and it is essential to consider the dynamic effects of these conditions when evaluating their durability and NVH.

Webinar Schwingungsphänomene
Detailed Examination of Special Vibration Phenomena

Modern e-axle concepts bring with them new types of design peculiarities. This can result in various disruptive effects. We will show you how special vibration phenomena can be analyzed simulatively early in the development process.

Webinar NVH
NVH Optimization of E-axle Transmissions Considering Manufacturing Tolerances

We will give you an insight into how to combine the strengths of statistical design of experiments and intelligent optimization with 3D multibody simulation using the AVL CAMEO™ and AVL EXCITE™ tools.

Webinar E-drive
Comprehensive Acoustic Evaluation of an E-drive

The elimination of the masking effect caused by the combustion engine and the trend towards high-speed e-axles make the topic of NVH a central aspect in vehicle development. We will present the current state of the art for the dynamic analysis of e-drives.

Webinar NVH Analysis
Simulation of Electromagnetic Excitations for NVH Analysis

Due to the elimination of the noise-masking combustion engine, the acoustic phenomena of the transmission come to the fore in electrified vehicle concepts. We present you a workflow for calculating the map of stator tooth forces and torque fluctuations on the rotor.

Industrial Transmission Dynamics and Bearing Durability

Renewable energy tops the list of measures to be taken to reduce greenhouse gases in most discussions about climate change. In that respect, wind turbines show enormous potential for the future. 

How to Efficiently Solve HEV Power Unit Acoustics Challenges

On the path to a clean and carbon-neutral mobility, hybrid vehicles will doubtlessly play a major role for the next decade, especially in the field of passenger cars. 

Taking Electrified Transmission and E-Motor Dynamics Simulation to New Levels

Electrified powertrains are flexible in construction, highly complex and often lightweight, yet they operate at incredibly high torque loads.

How to Predict and Reduce Valve Guide and Seat Wear

The understanding of wear phenomena is relevant for several engineering fields. Basically, every application where force is transferred between directly connected and relatively moving components is prone to wear.

Virtual NVH Optimization of Gear-Related Noise

Legislation is pushing automotive propulsion engineers to apply advanced transmission and drivetrain technology while striving towards improving efficiency. The required measures are often negatively impacting the vehicle’s NVH behavior. 

Predictive Crankshaft Durability Analysis

In order to satisfy the latest emission legislations, OEMs have to downsize their engines and introduce additional systems which help to reduce the footprint of an ICE vehicle.