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On September 23-24, 2024, the ALL-IN Zero project team convened at AVL Ibérica’s facilities in Mataró, Barcelona. This meeting marked a significant milestone as the project reached the halfway point of its four-year timeline

AVL Italia has won the tender issued by Ente Autonomo Volturno (EAV), a company of the Campania Region operating in the public road and rail transport sector, for the construction of a 5MW (megawatt) green hydrogen production plant, with on-site storage and a 350 bar refueling station, for local public transport trains and buses.

AVL, TUPY and partners developed and tested a hydrogen high-pressure direct injection (H2-HPDI) engine, achieving a brake thermal efficiency (BTE) of over 50 %, with potential improvements up to 52 %. The engine's performance is comparable to diesel engines, with similar full load power and transient torque characteristics.

AVL Italia is proud to announce its new role as a co-founder of the prestigious Fondazione Venezia Capitale/Venice Sustainability Foundation (VSF). This strategic partnership underscores AVL Italia’s commitment to fostering innovation and sustainable development in the region.