Press Release

Quality, Innovation and Sustainability

Prestigious Award for AVL Apprenticeship Training

Prestigious Award for AVL Apprenticeship Training

High-tech company AVL impressed a jury of experts with the superior quality of its apprenticeship training. In recognition of the quality, innovation power and sustainability of its apprenticeship training concept, AVL received second place at the presentation ceremony for the national award Best Apprenticing Companies "Fit for Future" 2015. AVL has once again demonstrated that by placing a particular focus on the training of its future skilled workforce, it is excellently positioned to meet the challenges ahead.

Representatives of almost 200 Austrian apprenticing companies were present at the award ceremony. In the category "more than 250 employees," AVL outperformed as many as 104 companies. The criteria used in judging the companies included factors like recruiting measures, training concept and methods, additional initial and further training measures, collaboration with institutions or training facilities, innovation and sustainability in apprenticeship training.

AVL is a world-leading technology company specialising in development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry and other sectors such as rail, marine and energy. Through extensive research, AVL delivers concepts, technology solutions, methodologies and development tools for sustainable, safe and advanced mobility and beyond.

AVL supports international partners and customers in sustainable and digital transformation, with a focus on electrification, software, AI and automation. AVL also supports companies in energy-intensive sectors on their way to green and efficient energy generation and supply.

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