Our AVL Consulting Services are more than just a pure advisory service. We guide you through the detailed analysis, to planning, to successful implementation, at all times guaranteeing an independent, requirement-oriented problem-solving approach that is ideally suited to your existing development landscape.
To be able to answer complex questions, we follow a holistic approach to product development. We regard the four aspects of vehicle strategy, process digitalization, process efficiency, and development methodology, as well as the necessary testing and simulation resources, as parts of a development pyramid that are intertwined and mesh at all times.
This approach to consulting that is unique to AVL is very much a result of our own engineering experience. Working on customer projects over the years resulted in the acquisition of various competencies, which we incorporate into our AVL consulting services in order to support our customers in making strategic decisions.
Process Innovation Services
Our Process Innovation Services form the top level of our development ecosystem approach, and follow a multilevel process in which success is monitored at each individual level. This approach has been continuously developed based on experience with countless projects over the past 20 years. It is now an internationally recognized method.
Product Portfolio Management
New requirements always impact current solutions at an organization – be that when it comes to technologies, products, or services. With our advice in the area of product portfolio management, we aim to identify the right answers for these requirements. This includes competitive analyses, technology comparisons, market studies, and business case studies.
Consulting as a Starting Point for a New Development Center
A consultation may indicate that you need a new development center or test center, or you may have already started the planning process for one. With our AVL Consulting Services, we have the skills and experience to cover all the necessary steps. We will find the optimal solution for your requirements: from a requirements analysis to the optimal design and actual realization.
Sustainable Energy Consultation
We provide independent research and recommendations, to enable you to make the best decisions regarding future energy and fuel directions. We make independent recommendations for qualified, balanced solution packages at all interfaces of production, use, and end-of-life mobility solutions.

What is it that makes our consulting services unique? Our global presence in the automotive industry and the detailed technical understanding we have gained from this. We take a holistic look at vehicle development, including all products and processes – from the first development phase, to testing, to the start of production. With our strategy consulting, we prepare our customers for the competition of the future – while keeping an eye on the optimal cost-benefit ratio at all times."
– Franz Hofer, Manager Portfolio Management at AVL List GmbH
Opportunities in the Gear Market?
AVL Tech Center Solutions – Booklet
From requirements to reality.
AVL Energy Management Solutions – Booklet
Solutions for highly efficient energy management in Tech Centers.