Press Release

General Contractor AVL is currently constructing two test centers in Germany

For testing conventional and alternative drives


On behalf of the engineering partner Bertrandt, AVL as a general contractor is currently building a Powertrain Solution Center at two locations, one in Freising near Munich and another in Tappenbeck near Wolfsburg. The completion of the two test centers – each as large as two football pitches –is proceeding according to plan despite the Corona pandemic. The investment volume amounts to roughly 80 million euros.


As a general contractor with many years of experience, AVL supplies both plants on a turnkey basis. The project entails the entire building plan, chassis dynamometers and workshop areas as well as the neccessary supply facilities. In addition to conventional powertrains running on various fuels, the Bertrandt Powertrain Solution Center will also be able to test and validate alternative powertrain concepts, such as hybrid or electric drives, in accordance with the latest legal requirements. They have climatic all-wheel dyno testbeds and one all-wheel dyno testbed with an altitude chamber. In this special chamber, heights from 0 to 4,200 m and solar radiation with different angles can be simulated to achieve both realistic carry out development tests as well as tests in accordance with the legal requirements.

The completion of both plants progresses as planned

Trial runs have already begun at the Powertrain Solution Center at the Wolfsburg facility, and the opening is scheduled for fall of this year.

The realization of the test center in Freising near Munich is also on schedule despite massive restrictions due to the Corona pandemic: With the installation of the last roller in the altitude chamber, this test center is also entering the home stretch.

The Bertrandt Group has been providing development solutions for the international automotive and aviation industries in Europe, China and the USA for more than 40 years. Around 13,000 employees work at over 50 locations guarantee extensive know-how, sustainable project solutions and a high degree of customer orientation. Its main customers include the major automobile manufacturers and numerous system suppliers.

AVL is a world-leading technology company specialising in development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry and other sectors such as rail, marine and energy. Through extensive research, AVL delivers concepts, technology solutions, methodologies and development tools for sustainable, safe and advanced mobility and beyond.

AVL supports international partners and customers in sustainable and digital transformation, with a focus on electrification, software, AI and automation. AVL also supports companies in energy-intensive sectors on their way to green and efficient energy generation and supply.

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Kunstprojekt für mehr Bindung und Motivation der MitarbeiterInnen
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