- Address of company headquarters
- Data Protection Authority in Austria
- Copyright
- Contact
- Legal regulations
- Bank connection
- Disclosure
- Object of the company
- Open Source Software
- Managing Board
- Supervisory Board
- Shareholder
- Basic orientation
- Shareholder of AVL List GmbH
Address of company headquarters
Hans-List-Platz 1
8020 Graz
How to find us
Google Maps
Commercial Register No.: FN 53507m, Regional Court as Commercial Court Graz
VAT NO: ATU28752908
Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and the Austrian Industry Association
Data Protection Authority in Austria
Wickenburggasse 8
1080 Wien
Tel. +43 1 52 152-0
Click here to view the complete list of Data Protection Authorities in Europe
All information on the website (i.e. texts, graphics, videos, music etc.) are protected by copyright. The information published here may not be used either directly or indirectly for commercial purposes and may only be used for private purposes by natural persons. All utilization rights, of any sort whatsoever, are exclusively reserved by the copyright owner. The copyright owner reserves the rights in particular to copy, distribute, lease, lend and transmit website information in any way. AVL reserves all rights. Legal action will be taken against infringements of copyright.
Phone: +43 (316) 787-0
Fax: +43 (316) 787-400
Legal regulations
Act on Austrian private limited liability companies (GmbHG) and Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act.
Bank connection
UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Account No.: 0087 15856 00
Bank Code 12.000
BIC / Swift Code: BKAUATWW
IBAN: AT 85 1100 0008 7158 5600
Media proprietor: AVL LIST GMBH, Hans-List-Platz 1, A-8020 Graz, Austria.
Object of the company
Development, production and sale of machinery, equipment and devices of all kind; particularly measuring equipment for engine construction and other purposes, internal combustion engines, primarily test engines, prototypes and components thereof, test beds and all kinds of testing facilities and inspection equipment.
Open Source Software
We use open source software. Open source software (OSS) refers to software that has been licensed under public licenses and allows all users to use, learn, modify and distribute software. We are happy to answer questions about OSS at
Managing Board
- Prof.Dr.hc. Helmut List
- Dr. Yorck Schmidt
- Stefan Bruhnke
- Gustav Tuschen
- Matthias Dank
- Urs Gerspach
- Jens Poggenburg
Supervisory Board
- Dr. Gunter Griss
- Gerald List
- Dr. Klaus Egger
- Bernhard Fleischer
- Werner Staber
- Wolfgang Sauerzapf
List Capital & Consulting GmbH
Basic orientation
To provide information to the customers, interested parties and the staff of AVL List GmbH. in the best possible way. AVL is the world's largest independent company for the development, simulation and test engineering of drive systems (hybrid, combustion engines, transmission, electric motors, batteries and software) for passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles and large engines.
Shareholder of AVL List GmbH
Shareholder of AVL List GmbH:
- List Capital & Consulting GmbH (FN 53587f) (100 %)
Shareholders of List Capital & Consulting GmbH:
- List Privatstiftung (74.1%) [FN 203987g]
- Founder: Prof.Dr.hc. Helmut List
- Beneficiaries: Companies in which the founder holds shares and the founder's family - HLM Privatstiftung (6.0%)
- Founder: Prof.Dr.hc. Helmut List
- Beneficiaries: DI Gerald List, Dr. Thomas List and succession - Gebrüder List Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (19%)
- Prof.Dr.hc. Helmut List (0.9%)