Press Release

Open and Seamless Data Intelligence Solution for the Automotive Industry

AVL/NorCom Cooperation

Data Intelligence[1] (1)

AVL List GmbH and NorCom Information Technology GmbH & Co. KGaA are the first companies to offer a portfolio that supports the Big Data feature introduced in the new ASAM ODS 6.1.0 standard, providing the automotive industry with an open and seamless data intelligence solution. Its major advantage is the combined strengths of all involved products, coupled with AVL’s expertise in powertrain and vehicle development.


The member companies of the organization ASAM (Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems) are involved in the development of technological standards for the automotive market. The so-called ODS (Open Data Services) standard focuses on the persistent storage and retrieval of testing data. Being a partner of the ASAM consortium, AVL has contributed significantly to the specification of the standard. The same is true for the latest version of ODS, which deals primarily with the integration of Big Data platforms. AVL’s ODS server, Santorin MX, is the first ODS server to support the ODS Big Data standard. The interface developed by NorCom, which is based on it, will open the door to a new dimension of measurement data analytics. All of the listed features are available in AVL and NorCom's product portfolio:

Scalable conversion of all automotive data formats in the new Avro Packed and Parquet Packed/Point schema, allowing the examination of all data, including Big Data

Analysis libraries to simplify the use of advanced analytics algorithms and methods in conjunction with automotive-specific analysis packages

Integration of comprehensive full-context search services to uncover realtime data insights into all data: from process information, measurement meta-data, mass measurement data and results of scalable analysis queries

Integration and export functions to allow available processing tools to access and process analysis results, and to enable the use of real-time searches of all the relevant data sources.

AVL and NorCom incorporate their extensive knowledge and time-honed best practices straight into their product portfolio, resulting in products that offer efficient solutions to the challenges of R&D and engineering. Engineers can take full advantage of the performance capability of Big Data, even without requiring complete knowledge of Big Data technologies or frameworks.

NorCom Information Technology GmbH & Co. KGaA develops and implements Big Data solutions for international corporations. NorCom supports customers in processing and analyzing their data in globally distributed computer centers using advanced Big Data, machine learning and deep learning tools in a productive environment.

RAVENOL is an internationally recognized manufacturer of high-performance oils and lubricants for automotive, motorsport, and industrial applications. With a history of almost 80 years, RAVENOL is dedicated to providing innovative oils that meet the highest performance standards in motorsport, ensuring optimal engine efficiency and protection under extreme conditions.


Data Intelligence[1] (1)
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Open and Seamless Data Intelligence Solution for the Automotive Industry
AVL/NorCom Cooperation
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