
Events are one of the best opportunities to stay in personal contact with your peers. We have summarized international conferences and exhibitions where you have the possibility to meet AVLs' experts and discuss solutions.

CRUISE M Hands-on Seminar JP
AVL CRUISE M Hands-on Seminar 2024 JP HQ_01
CRUISE M Hands-on Seminar JP
AVL CRUISE M Hands-on Seminar 2024 JP HQ_02
Vehicle & Environment 2024
Vehicle & Environment
AVL Simulation Conference Germany 2024
AVL TechDay Battery 2024
AVL TechDay Battery
AVL Simulation Conference Japan 2024
AVL Simulation Conference Japan 2024
Symposium on Development Methodology
11th International Symposium on Development Methodology

Booth #18

Visit us at our Booth and get in touch with our representatives.

Booth #6000 (Hall 1)

Visit us at our Booth and get in touch with our representatives.

Booth #C3-210 (Hall 3)

Visit us at our Booth and get in touch with our representatives.

Booth #100

Visit us at our Booth and get in touch with our representatives.

September 11, 2024
9:00 AM

(Schaumburg West, CV301 Powertrain)

Decarbonization of High-Horsepower Powertrains for Marine, Rail, Agricultural and Mining Vehicles Panel

Ronald Kruth
Business Field Leader G1 OFF-Road, AVL Deutschland GmbH

Booth #724 (Hall 7)

Visit us at our Booth and get in touch with our representatives.

Booth #B.07

Visit us at our Booth and get in touch with our representatives.

Booth #190 (Hall 18)

Visit us at our Booth and get in touch with our representatives.

Booth #tbd

Visit us at our Booth and get in touch with our representatives.

Booth #tbd

Visit us at our Booth and get in touch with our representatives.

October 02, 2024

(Session Code: TMSS400)

Driving Tomorrow’s Vehicles: Avl’s Software Thermal Management Developing Process to Ensure Calibration on System Level

Michael Bires
Product Line Manager Thermal Management, AVL List GmbH

October 02, 2024

(Session Code: TMSS500)

Benefits and Challenges of Using Validated Vtms Simulation Models for Thermal Development

Marko Kolaric
Senior Technical Sales Specialist, AVL-AST d.o.o. Slovenija
Thomas Resch
Skill Area Manager, AVL LIST GmbH
Adrien Balihe
Senior Technical Sales Specialist, AVL List GmbH

Booth #tbd

Visit us at our Booth and get in touch with our representatives.

Booth #18

Visit us at our Booth and get in touch with our representatives.

Booth #6018 (Hall A-C)

Visit us at our Booth and get in touch with our representatives.

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