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How to Solve the Ten Most Significant Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer Testing Challenges

Image Fuel Cell Truck

Successful fuel cell and electrolyzer developments are built upon the three pillars of engineering, simulation, and testing, all of which are equally important. However, testing can be the most challenging phase, leading to a significant increase in effort and cost. Experts from AVL explain how to overcome the most significant fuel cell and electrolyzer testing challenges.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Learn how to increase the efficiency, performance, and safety of the testbed
  • Discover how to increase the value of individual tests
  • Find out how to keep the testing infrastructure flexible to cope with demanding testing requirements
Recording available - 60 min
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Horst Kiegerl
Specialist Fuel Cell Testing
AVL List GmbH


Markus Kammerhofer
Business Analyst Big Data Intelligence
AVL List GmbH


Stefan Scheidel
Senior Development Engineer Methodology 
AVL List GmbH


Christoph Supper,
Skill Team Leader Unit Under Test Preparation
AVL List GmbH


Handout How to Solve the Ten Most Significant Fuel Cell And Electrolyzer Testing Challenges