AVL Direct Cooling Technology

Research and development testing for highly accurate measurements.
direct cooling

ACORA  Active Cooling Rack provides a more efficient way of temperature conditioning cells in a test environment compared to conventional climate/temperature chambers. With ACORA, cells are placed in water-cooled cold plates to achieve the required temperature conditions faster and more accurately. By integrating a robotic solution, ACORA can be operated fully automatically. In addition, it offers the possibility of testing over the entire temperature range under full load conditions.

OEMs, battery, and cell suppliers must continuously develop and test new battery cells for the evolving automotive market. For battery electric vehicles mileage range is key, making the capacity of battery cells and packs a crucial factor. Besides capacity, power and life cycle analysis are central parameters in battery development. With cell testing, there are simple units under test (UUTs) with a high demand on testing flexibility in process and methodology – compared to battery packs which need a different test system.

direct cooling


  • ACORA as a reference solution enables more efficient cell R&D and conformity of production (COP) testing​

  • R&D testing equipment with AVL’s high accuracy cell tester offers high charging and discharging currents for cell validation.​

  • The water-cooling approach adds a very accurate, high dynamic temperature control.

Temperature range

-40 °C to +80 °C

Cell conditioning

via cell conditioning plates

Time reduction of temperature change (25 °C to 45 °C)

85 %

Control accuracy of fluid temperature

+/- 0.5 °C

UUT temperature gradient

up to 25 K/min


Process Efficiency

Save time due to fully automated testing.

Optimal Facility Use

Smaller footprint compared to conventional test systems.

Superior Testing

Accelerated conditioning of the unit under test (UUT) up to 60%.

Highest Accuracy

High temperature accuracy of <1K.


High energy saving potential due to central cooling.


Our AVL CELL TESTER™ 600A is recommended as the standard cycler. It is best suited for the ACORA system as it ideally complements the main advantages of ACORA, liquid cooling and robotics. The CT600 offers high current accuracy and best-in-class dynamics.

→ Learn more

Lab Management Software Solutions

ACORA offers maximum efficiency in large test laboratories. Our AVL Lab Management Software Solution is the ideal complement. This is used for data and process optimisation to ensure the most efficient use of the test laboratory.

→ Learn more

dominik strasser

AVL’s direct cooling technology enables faster, higher, and more accurate test results for battery cell testing. Especially, the liquid-based cooling application is one of the most interesting approach. ​

– Dominik Strasser, System Line Manager, AVL List GmbH

AVL E-Mobility Testing Solutions – Brochure

Tested and Trusted.

AVL Battery Testing Solutions – Brochure

Learn more about our holistic battery testing portfolio and solutions.

AVL Battery Cell TS™ ACORA – Solution Sheet

The battery cell test system with direct cooling technology.

Test Systems for battery cells
AVL Battery Cell TS™

For battery cell testing, we offer complete test systems, stand-alone equipment, or even entire turnkey test labs.


Bi-directional multi-channel DC power supply to test and validate battery cells.


Battery tester and emulator for research and development, testing and validation.


Transform your e-mobility analysis with AVL CONCERTO 6™️, featuring fast data access, AI-driven technologies, advanced visualizations and calculations, and auto-generated reports for superior performance and precise insights.  

Customer Services
Customer Services for Testing Solutions

The AVL Customer Services organization consists of more than 700 service- and application engineers worldwide, operating from more than 50 locations. Our global footprint is your local benefit.

AVL E-Library
AVL E-Library

AVL’s E-Library is a mindful solution that introduces simplicity when dealing with e-testing complexity, provides a fast track to productivity, and offers reassurance that targets will be met – putting your mind at ease and allowing you to enter the market with full confidence.

rendering climatic chambe
AVL Climatic Chamber

Battery packs, modules and cells, fuel cells, e-motor and e-axle solutions must operate safely and reliably in any environment. This can include extreme temperatures and humidity, which cannot be reproduced on the test track or in real test scenarios on the road. This is why we developed the modular AVL Climate Chamber.

AVL Conditioning Systems
Conditioning Systems

Thermal conditions and environment of Units Under Test have strong impacts on real results in driving. For this reason, the thermal simulation must be as exact as possible – which can be achieved via deployment of high performing media conditioning systems.

n265.20 XM0_TFMS Visual Adaptierung
AVL Lab Management™ for Battery

Product Manager Marinette Iwanicki presents AVL’s Software Solution for Lab Management for Battery (cell, lab, pack) testing facilities. This webinar was organized in cooperation with Automotive World and includes the recorded Q&A session.

Lab Management
Lab Management Software Solution

Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your test lab.

GL_ITS_Image_PUMA 2 Battery GUI_02.22
AVL PUMA 2™ Battery

AVL´s intuitive automation system for battery testing, from cell to module and pack.

AVL test system ACORA saves time and money during battery cell testing

Up to 60 Percent Shorter Test Duration thanks to Direct Cooling and Automation

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AVL at the 44th Vienna Motor Symposium

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Nehammer AVL
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