Press Release

AVL Executive Vice President Robert Fischer Receives Title of Honorary Professor

Distinct honor for AVL Executive Vice President Robert Fischer: The Technical University Graz has bestowed the title of honorary professor upon the 57-year-old engineer from Graz. 


Distinct honor for AVL Executive Vice President Robert Fischer: The Technical University Graz has bestowed the title of honorary professor upon the 57-year-old engineer from Graz. “Ever since my studies at the Technical University of Graz, I feel deeply connected to the university. My lecture gives me the opportunity to share my experience with young students and to get a glimpse into the mind of the next academic generation. This is very important to me and I am really happy to receive this great honor.”


Robert Fischer studied Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at the TU Graz. He finished his PhD studies in Engineering Sciences sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae – the highest honor bestowed upon students in Austria. Ever since then he has stayed closely connected to his alma mater, having spent more than 20 years lecturing at the university.

In his principal occupation as Executive Vice President of the international powertrain specialist AVL List, he oversees more than 4000 employees in the business area of Engineering and Technology. In addition to the technical management, he is also responsible for the company’s independent in-house research. Moreover, he has contributed to more than 70 scientific publications and 65 patent families which have resulted in over 300 individual patent registrations.

Dr. Fischer’s engineering achievements in the automotive and transmission world have already been honored several times in the past. When, for example, he received the SAE transmission award in Detroit, he was only the seventh person ever to be honored with this high accolade.

AVL is a world-leading technology company specialising in development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry and other sectors such as rail, marine and energy. Through extensive research, AVL delivers concepts, technology solutions, methodologies and development tools for sustainable, safe and advanced mobility and beyond.

AVL supports international partners and customers in sustainable and digital transformation, with a focus on electrification, software, AI and automation. AVL also supports companies in energy-intensive sectors on their way to green and efficient energy generation and supply.

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