In the coming years and decades, vehicle manufacturers and suppliers will need to address issues such as helping to reduce global warming, avoiding further greenhouse gas emission, and improving local air quality. All these issues will be subject to legislation. Tailoring a solution to perfectly fit the specific needs of your complex testing tasks requires a holistic approach that considers as many variables as possible. This is where we can help. Our complete and comprehensive product portfolio delivers solutions for every testing requirement present in the development process for a modern engine, vehicle, or powertrain. All the devices and systems required for a particular application are seamlessly integrated, resulting in a highly automated state-of-the-art testing system.

Real Driving Emission (RDE) tests that evaluate engine emissions under normal driving conditions and Worldwide Harmonized Light-duty Test Procedure (WLTP) tests are mandatory for all vehicles. WLTP tests ensure that the results of testing conducted in the lab are more representative and RDE tests ensure that the results are more realistic. In-Service Conformity (ISC) requirements ensure that low emissions are met in the fleet. While these standards reduce emissions, they also increase development effort by a factor of 2 or 3, and vehicle type approval testing effort by a factor between 7 and 9. The challenge that AVL helps you to overcome is to meet these targets while reducing the complexity of development and testing in order to ensure reasonable test costs and reduce time-to-market.