Effective Collaboration
In the past, simulation was used to calculate the behaviour of specific individual subsystems or components of the vehicle. The increasing importance of virtual validation requires that simulation models and parameters can be used by different teams in the development process.
With Virtual Apps Services as part of the AVL Cloud Simulation solution, engineers have the possibility to use our simulation tools directly in their web browser and to exchange data with colleagues. You always use the current program version including all necessary licenses.
With the AVL Model Server, which is directly integrated in our simulation tools, configuration management of models and model data between teams can be realized.
For example, everyone involved always knows exactly where the current model is and who last made a change.

More Important Than Ever: Resources on Demand
To create high-fidelity simulation models, it is indispensable to perform computer-intensive simulations, such as optimizations or complex flow simulations. Such simulations are difficult to plan and require many resources, such as several computers and many software licenses.
With Virtual HPC Service as part of AVL Cloud Simulation Solution, we offer you your private on-demand HPC cluster environment based on your current needs.
Virtual HPC Service is directly integrated into our simulation tools, so you don't need to change your familiar workflow. The results are also mirrored locally so that post-processing can be done or finished reports can be viewed.

New technologies such as cloud computing offer many opportunities. However, we at AVL know from many years of experience that it is necessary to adapt them to the needs of engineers. The positive feedback from customers who have already convinced themselves of individual solutions from our "Simulation as a Service" portfolio shows that we are on the right path.
- Ivo Derado, Senior Solution Manager Advanced Simulation Technologies, AVL List GmbH