Press Release

AVL and TrianGraphics cooperate for a more effective virtual validation of advanced driver assistance functions and self-driving vehicles

Triangraphics and AVL List GmbH announced today a partnership regarding the generation of digital 3D road environments for a more effective virtual verification and validation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).


Triangraphics and AVL List GmbH announced today a partnership regarding the generation of digital 3D road environments for a more effective virtual verification and validation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) systems and Autonomous Vehicles (AVs).


Testing of complex automated driving functions to ensure safety under all possible driving conditions is a challenge. Physical testing for the hundreds of millions of kilometers on public roads before certification would take years if not decades. An effective validation of such vehicles can be only achieved through a combined approach of road testing and virtual testing.

As a leading test system provider, AVL is developing a scenario based open verification and validation toolchain which enables test preparation and execution of ADAS and AVs in virtual and real road environments. Virtual testing thereby requires digitalized traffic scenarios which optimally reflect the real road traffic situations. The effective creation of realistic virtual 3D environments such as complex roads and intersections is now addressed by AVL List GmbH in cooperation with the Berlin based TrianGraphics GmbH, a specialist for 3D graphics and automatic content creation. “We provide a toolchain to validate autonomous functions which are installed in a real vehicle to virtual traffic situations. This enables us to test a vehicle in a pure simulation or on an AVL DRIVINGCUBE™, our vehiclein- the-loop test environment, anywhere in the world under most realistic conditions in a reproducible way”, says Kai Voigt, EVP of AVL Instrumentation, Software and Technology.

TrianGraphics‘ 3D modeling software Trian3DBuilder will be integrated into the AVL scenario based verification and validation toolchain to enable testing and validation of ADAS and AV systems in a realistic virtual environment. Raw data from various sources such as Open Street Map or other ground truth data sources can be enhanced to test a variety of visually close-to-reality scenarios covering rural and urban areas as well as motorways on all continents. Stephan Kussmaul, Managing Director, TrianGraphics GmbH, says: „With our focus on automated scenario generation we can provide versatile test environments in a highly effective manner. We are especially proud to partner with such a strong and innovative partner as AVL to bring our proven solution to an even broader user base”.

About TrianGraphics GmbH

Triangraphics is operating on the VIS/ SIM market and is specialized on the generation of databases for all types of realtime simulations. With their powerful proprietary software tools and their long experience in 3 D terrain development, they are pushing the boundaries of the simulation and automotive market when it comes to detail, quality, size, efficiency and realism of digital environments. Further information – please see

AVL is a world-leading technology company specialising in development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry and other sectors such as rail, marine and energy. Through extensive research, AVL delivers concepts, technology solutions, methodologies and development tools for sustainable, safe and advanced mobility and beyond.

AVL supports international partners and customers in sustainable and digital transformation, with a focus on electrification, software, AI and automation. AVL also supports companies in energy-intensive sectors on their way to green and efficient energy generation and supply.

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