Helmut List Awarded Honorary Citizen of the City of Graz
- News
For his services, Prof. Helmut List was today awarded honorary citizenship of the city of Graz. Family and friends as well as numerous other guests of honor from politics, business and the church attended the ceremony in Graz city hall. AVL employees had the chance to tune in via live stream.
"We have tried to trace a biography, but it is only an excerpt. All that this man has accomplished is beyond the scope of this celebration." With these words, Mayor Elke Kahr introduced her speech on the honorary citizenship of Prof. Helmut List, who accepted the award with great pleasure.
"I am and will always be closely connected with the city of Graz. I would like to express my thanks. It means a lot to me." Graz, List said, is not only home to science as well as art and culture, the city also conveys a very special sense of life. The innovative ecosystem combines everything that makes it an attractive environment for qualified employees. For AVL, it was therefore a conscious decision to stick to the location in the heart of Graz.
The well-functioning network and the exchange between science, companies and politics is a great strength of Graz. This is comparable to the work of an orchestra: "No one can play a symphony alone. It needs musicians who master their instruments and work together on the result. In a functioning orchestra, everyone has his or her place and knows what needs to be done and when. People work together, share ideas. Not everyone is good at everything, but together unique individuals can bring something as beautiful as a symphony to life." List said this is also true with regard to AVL and the development of new technologies. "The company sees itself as part of the network. We are happy to contribute our experience and expertise in the future. We want to make our contribution to creating a climate-neutral world in which truly sustainable, safe, comfortable and affordable mobility becomes a reality for everyone."
Prof. Helmut List is the second generation to receive the city of Graz award. Father Hans List was also awarded honorary citizen of Graz.