
Hands-on Workflow Demonstration of AVL SCENIUS™ for Scenario-Based Testing and Safety Argumentation


Scenario-based testing is established as an efficient method to test critical traffic situations in a reproducible way. The AVL SCENIUS™ toolchain for scenario-based testing ensures end-to-end consistency and traceability, from the requirements to test reports, enabling a thorough safety argumentation and type approval process. It natively builds on multiple ASAM standards to ensure a seamless interoperability between the modules as well as making single modules fit into any existing toolchain that also builds on the ASAM standards. In this webinar, our experts will give you a complete end-to-end demonstration of a typical virtual validation workflow.

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60 min
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  • Prepare a virtual prototype in Scenario Simulator.
  • Create a scenario with Scenario Designer and push to database.
  • Change the status of scenarios in the Scenario Data Manager.
  • Define a test plan based on requirements and safety argumentation.
  • Automated test execution on simulation machines
  • Aggregate and analyze test results and derive automatic reports.

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Simon Terres
Solution Manager ADAS/AD
AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies



Aakash Sehgal
Solution Manager ADAS

AVL Instrumentation and Test Systems



Bruno Celan
Simulation Expert ADAS/AD
AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies

Marko Mesaric

Marko Mesaric
Analysis Engineer Software Services
AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies

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