Understanding systems
A very large number of system functions interact in a modern vehicle. We build on our comprehensive system expertise and the corresponding ADAS/AD, electrical/electronic and software architectures. This allows us to deliver highly scalable, reproducible solutions that can be integrated seamlessly into existing toolchains. We can define assisting and automated vehicle functions regarding use cases, scenarios, and test cases. Our system expertise enables a more detailed breakdown of the requirements, from the vehicle to the level of the software components. From the start, it takes into account all safety and security standards, such as ISO 26262, or ISO PAS 21448 and ISO 21434 in the ADAS area and covers all aspects of product development.

Knowledgeable Experts
We combine our comprehensive knowledge of global markets, standards, and legal requirements, such as the General Safety Regulation (GSR), with flexible development methods. Open system architectures mean that our customers are free to combine components from various providers and realize their own, attractive development solution. Our objective key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring the performance of the ADAS/AD systems also enable optimization of the market-specific competitive situation. This strengthens the brand loyalty of the end customer.