
AVL SIMpulse

Simulation for Safety – Next-Level Autonomous Vehicle Development

Join us and benefit from our know-how of efficient and reliable virtual validation.

AVL SIMpulse – Simulation for Safety – Next-Level Autonomous Vehicle Development

Autonomous driving is set to revolutionize transportation. By leveraging advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and a variety of sensors, autonomous vehicles (AVs) can perceive their environment, make decisions, and control their operations.

The societal and mobility impacts of autonomous driving are significant. It promises to enhance safety by reducing accidents caused by human error, which account for a large proportion of traffic incidents. Furthermore, it can alleviate traffic congestion and provide mobility solutions for individuals who are unable to drive, such as the elderly and disabled, thereby promoting inclusivity.

However, the journey towards fully autonomous driving is fraught with challenges, particularly in testing and validation. Ensuring the safety and reliability of AVs is paramount, but testing them in real-world scenarios is complex, time-consuming, and potentially risky. This is where simulation comes into play.

Simulation provides a safe, scalable environment for testing autonomous vehicles, allowing us to recreate diverse and challenging real-world scenarios. 

Since testing AVs only in a virtual environment is not enough to ensure safety on the roads, we have developed a portfolio of simulation tools that is rooted in our engineering and physical testing know-how.

Join our SIMpulse live event to benefit from our know-how of efficient and reliable virtual validation. Hear from industry experts, engage in insightful discussions, and be part of shaping the future of autonomous driving

Presentation language
  • Validate simulation models for trustworthy results
  • Find critical situations in the real world bring them into simulation as realistic test scenarios
  • Test every new version with AVOps continuous testing pipelines
  • Learn about innovative methods to explore huge parameter spaces as part of a SOTIF validation process
  • Get to know our Toolchain for Credible Safety Argumentation

03:00 – 05:00 PM CEST

Agenda will follow shortly.
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