Our AVL Skills Centers provide physical and cloud-based classrooms, equipped with the latest technologies and media. A wide range of simulators and test equipment is available for practical exercises. Both in face-to-face and remote trainings. We put the emphasis on first-hand experience and on supplying you with the necessary practical skills. For 'real life' training classes, fully equipped testbeds for steady-state and dynamic test applications are available.

Our experienced trainers are ready and eager to work with you on-site at your facility. This guarantees the best possible results, as they can teach you everything you need to know in the environment you are familiar with. With their help, you become experts with new and existing technologies, learn competent and safe handling of testing equipment, acquiring knowledge about relevant testing topics and legislative requirements for all kinds of propulsion systems.

With AVL Training we want to help you increase your working performance. And we certify the new competencies you have gained!
- Bruce Digna, Training Manager, AVL North America Skills Center