Press Release

AVL Acquires Majority Stake in FIFTY2 Technology in Germany

AVL expands its simulation expertise by acquiring a majority stake in FIFTY2 Technology.

Team Fifty2

The globally active high-tech company AVL List GmbH has acquired 70% and thus the majority of shares in FIFTY2 Technology GmbH in Freiburg, Germany. 

The start-up FIFTY2, which emerged from the University of Freiburg, has developed the innovative software tool PreonLab, which enables the simulation of previously unrealisable applications in fluid dynamics.

AVL has held 30% of the shares in FIFTY2 Technology since 2020. AVL is now expanding this partnership by acquiring a majority stake of 70%. This underlines AVL's strong commitment to expanding its expertise in simulation and software.

Prof Helmut List, CEO of AVL, explains: "This step represents a significant strengthening and expansion of AVL's simulation competences."

PreonLab is the technology and market leader in particle-based flow simulation, enabling customers to achieve valuable results with minimal training by balancing efficiency, accuracy and ease of use.

"The purchase supports the current and future trend towards virtualisation by enabling early design decisions in the development process. This allows our customers to speed up development and reduce the cost of hardware prototypes. Overall, this contributes significantly to achieving the ESG goals," says Dr Roland Wanker, Vice President of AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies.

"Thanks to AVL's unique engineering know-how and strong sales force, as well as our expertise in the field of particle-based fluid simulation, we were able to quickly make a name for ourselves worldwide with PreonLab and jointly establish a market-leading position," explain the two founders and managing directors of FIFTY2, Dr Markus Ihmsen and Jens Cornelis.

AVL is a world-leading technology company specialising in development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry and other sectors such as rail, marine and energy. Through extensive research, AVL delivers concepts, technology solutions, methodologies and development tools for sustainable, safe and advanced mobility and beyond.

AVL supports international partners and customers in sustainable and digital transformation, with a focus on electrification, software, AI and automation. AVL also supports companies in energy-intensive sectors on their way to green and efficient energy generation and supply.

For more information:


AVL CEO Helmut List und LH Hermann Schützenhöfer
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Dr. Markus Tomaschitz, Unternehmenssprecher AVL
Tel.: +43 664 100 0289