
Continuous Verification and Validation with Functional Prototypes

Connect the Product Structure-Oriented World With the Validation World

Establish the digital thread across multiple projects and get your data-driven engineering off the ground. So that the vision of digitizing the development process becomes reality.

Continuous V&V

Our solution helps you tackle today's challenges of a hardware-centric development, disconnected processes with a heterogeneous tool landscape as well as the increasing complexity related to ADAS/AD and electrification. 
Continuous verification and validation (V&V) are key to speeding up the development and making communication more efficient. It ensures consistency and traceability of tests and test data and allows for automation and standardization.

State-of-the-art development is still hardware-heavy: Physical prototypes are expensive and only available late in the development process. As a result, development cycles are slow and costs are high. Virtual and mixed prototypes support the shift towards a more software-centric approach. However, they are mostly domain specific. Disconnected processes and a heterogeneous tool landscape limit interaction between domains, further dampening development speed and hindering data reuse. You end up with a lack of consistency, traceability and clarity. Furthermore, there is the increase in complexity with different drive concepts and new technologies such as ADAS/AD, and the fact that the vehicle is becoming more software-defined.

Continuous verification

A functional prototype is an advanced data model that provides a continuous and consistent view of a product's state - across the development process and product lifecycle. Virtual and mixed prototypes are connected via domain-specific functional prototypes. This enables a new way of data reuse and optimization. Functional Prototype Management provides all V&V information on product, subsystem and component level in a structured way - for all requirements and variants. You know at any point in time whether a target has been met or not and how high the risk is that it will not be met at the start of production.

Continuous verification
Continuous verification

You know exactly what state your product is in at any point during the project. Continuous V&V and functional prototypes support the digitalization of your development process.  

Prototypes at Every Stage

Virtual and mixed prototypes can by re-used at later stages in the development process.


Having the right data and information at the right time and at the right place.

Consistency and Traceability

Each result can be traced back to a version of the design and embedded software. The digital thread is established.


Increase the reuse of data, models, configurations, and results. You will benefit from higher quality and less effort.


Standardization leads to automation. This means that you continuously receive up-to-date results data - fully digitized.


It supports artificial intelligence allowing you to apply machine learning methods to improve methodologies, processes and models or to verify results.


Product Maturity Dashboard

It provides an up-to-date and consistent overview on technical target achievement and your verification progress.


Systematic management and interlinking of V&V data (simulation models, parameters, experiments, results) enables traceability and establishes the digital thread for V&V.


Systematic management enables the standardization and reuse of the functional product representation.


Automated configuration and execution of (co-)simulation resulting in the automation of the simulation workflow.

Josef Zehetner

We understand the process of validation, whether it is done in the virtual world or hybrid. We have acquired extensive skills in how to reuse existing knowhow and data in an organization. The aspect of traceability is very important. It’s the only way to ensure the repeatability of tests.

– Dr. Josef Zehetner, Chief Engineer System Architecture, AVL

Hungry for more? Gain more valuable insights through additional material.

The Software-Defined Vehicle and How to Transform the Established Hardware-Centric Development Process

An article about SDV, virtual software development as well as continuous verification and validation. Published in prostep ivip ProductData Journal, 2022.

The Best of Both Worlds

An article about product structure and functional representation. Published in prostep ivip ProductData Journal, 2021.

Continuous Software Releases

An article on how future vehicle generations will be significantly shaped by innovations in software. Published in d1g1tal AGENDA, 2021.

Model.CONNECT™ Solution Sheet

Comprehensive information and technical details.

Testbed.CONNECT™ Solution Sheet

Comprehensive information and technical details.

Data.CONNECT™ Solution Sheet

Comprehensive information and technical details.

Device.CONNECT™ Solution Sheet

Comprehensive information and technical details.


We are constantly working on new solutions. The following  might be interesting for you:

Bring Simulation to the Testbed With Testbed.CONNECT™

A powerful open execution platform that connects simulation models to the testbed.

Data Management With Data.CONNECT™

Meet the challenges of today and tomorrow with this modular data management solution for data harmonization, integration, search, exploration, and automated processing.

IoT With Device.CONNECT™

Device.CONNECT™ is AVL’s highly secure answer to mastering the IoT challenges in the automotive industry.

Moving steadily into the future: Find out what’s brand new in the field of continuous verification and validation.

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