
AVL HyTron™

Gas conditioning and consumption solutions

A proven test environment for H2 ICE and fuel cell testing.

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The use of hydrogen (H2) or compressed natural gas as an energy carrier plays a major role in decarbonizing our mobility and transportation on a global scale. With decades of experience and leadership in the consumption measurement of conventional liquid fuels, we have added another industrialized solution to the AVL portfolio for testbed applications.

Our customer’s challenge is to bridge the gap between the facility’s fuel gas storage and the fuel consumer in the testbed while:

  • Ensuring operator safety
  • Measuring fuel consumption with high repeatability
  • Avoiding fuel gas release to the testbed
  • Meeting the consumer’s fuel gas requirements
  • Ensuring quick implementation and integration

Operator Safety 

Is of the highest importance and various measures must be taken to ensure it.

Setup Time

Is as short as possible so that the focus of activities is on testing.

Fuel Consumption 

Is highly repeatable to avoid multiple measurements.


Is low to allow retrofitting into existing testbeds.

Industrialized and Integrated

Our compact products are used for the development and optimization of H2/CNG internal combustion engines and fuel cell systems. Depending on the application, we can offer the correct device variant to meet the requirements for accurate pressure and flow measurement.

Pressure Variants

LP / HP / HP+

25bar / 70bar / 400bar

Fuel gas compatibility


Hydrogen / Natural Gas / mixtures

Measurement uncertainty
(acc. DIN 1319)

Fuel gas mass flow

≤ 0.5 % of reading

Zero point stability

0.001 ... 0.02 kg/h
(dep. on sensor)

Ambient conditions

Main Module

+ 5 ... 50 °C

UUT Module

– 40 ... 85 °C


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Save Time

Configure, order, and integrate to get your testbed into operation quickly using our integrated solutions.

Ensure Safety

Automated routines help you avoid any uncontrolled situation on the testbed.

Up to the Vehicle Level

One product for the entire FCEV development process to enable early and accurate prediction of fuel consumption.

Remote Pressure Control

We have built in remote pressure control to enable the convenient adjustment of the supply pressure to the consumer. This helps validate pressure drop scenarios in your application.

Integrated Safety Routines

Any unwanted release of fuel gas to the testbed is avoided by ensuring that the fuel gas connection to the consumer is correctly mounted.

Reliable Fuel Consumption

The dedicated pressure control setup coupled with the second sensor option leads to trustworthy and repeatable fuel consumption results.

Compact Design

The low footprint combined with the optional trolley enables flexible installation.

Solution Sheet AVL HyTron

Gas conditioning and consumption solutions

Customer Success Story AVL HyTron HMC
Fuel Cell Testing - Safe and Reliable
Customer Success Story AVL HyTron PUNCH
PUNCH Hydrocells and the Hydrogen Race

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Alternative Fuel Engine Testing

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Customer Services
Customer Services for Testing Solutions

The AVL Customer Services organization consists of more than 700 service- and application engineers worldwide, operating from more than 50 locations. Our global footprint is your local benefit.

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