The transmission being THE central component of electric and hybrid powertrains. AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies has extended its simulation tool portfolio in order to cover the different tasks of the virtual development and validation of transmissions:
• AVL EXCITE™ M is a simulation solution for the dynamic and NVH analysis of powertrains with a new 3D graphical user interface replacing AVL EXCITE™ Powerunit.
• PreonLab is a meshless CFD solution for the simulation of oil splashing and heat transfer in the transmission.
• FVA-Workbench offers high-end simulation and calculation functionalities for the optimization of load capacity and losses for any gearbox design.
The objective of this techday, is to present and exchange on how the combination of these different tools can permit to analyze transmissions in more detail and closer to reality while reducing the total turn around time.
The techday will be supported by presentations from AVL experts as well as AVL customers such as VOLVO Cars, Aurobay and FVA.
The morning session will focus on transmission layout, dynamic and NVH analysis.
The afternoon session, will address transmission specific applications, with focus on durability, efficiency and oil churning losses.
Coffee breaks and lunch will allow networking opportunities.
Participation is free of charge.