Bence Rafacz

Bence works as a Design Engineer Transmission in the Component Design Base Engine Team in Hungary. Read more about his career and experiences below.

Our projects require teamwork: apart from the self-evident daily cooperation within the team and other fields of expertise around the AVL-World, we also rely on inputs from suppliers and even research facilities to fulfil the customer's needs. Despite all its seriousness, the team here in Hungary is always cheerful and relaxed.

In my childhood, I spent a lot of time around machines. I got used to their presence and liked them, so I went to TU Budapest (BME) for both my BSc and MSc, studying mechanical engineering.

I liked race cars too, so during my MSc, I joined the university’s Formula Student team. This was my first encounter with automotive engineering. We made some cool racing stuff there, and it was the first time I felt really proud of the result of my work. Since then, I have always sought opportunities to work on something extraordinary, which I have now found here at AVL.

By the way, how did I end up at AVL? In the BME Formula Racing Team, I got to know some extraordinarily talented people, many of whom later joined AVL. After university, I had some adventurous jobs at small companies, but within a short time, I called one of my former teammates, who was already working at AVL. Through AVL’s referral program, I was able to join AVL in 2019.

Right at the beginning, I started as a design engineer in the transmission team, and I still work with the same people. In the meantime, due to structural changes in the company, we became part of a bigger team, and our scope of work has increased too. Apart from passenger car transmissions, I have tinkered with e-axles, engines, complete vehicles, battery packs, test equipment, and even machines from the semiconductor industry. This versatility has kept my job interesting and forces me to keep learning and stay sharp. I find it particularly interesting that I work on things visible to the end customer and displayed on the front pages of brochures.

Our projects require teamwork: apart from the self-evident daily cooperation within the team and other fields of expertise around the AVL-World, we also rely on inputs from suppliers and even research facilities to fulfill the customer’s needs. Despite all its seriousness, the team here in Hungary is always cheerful and relaxed. I especially like our little spontaneous brainstorming sessions during coffee breaks related to each other’s daily work or projects. This shows our engagement with the task and keeps the diversity of people connected here. I especially enjoy that people here are sharp and serious thinkers, maybe even philosophers, and can stimulate the birth of new ideas.

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