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/ 95 APPLICATION Emission, endurance and R&D tests: Excellent technical quality features and a wide range of thoroughly tested end-to-end solutions are important criteria which recommend AVL vehicle testbed systems. The increasing complexity of powertrain management systems as well as the close interaction of engine and transmission control unit in combination with emission testing often require a uniform R&D test. AVL vehicle testbeds are used in altitude chambers and Running-Loss-SHEDs for the analysis of fuel evaporation. They are also integrated in climatic chambers and climatic wind tunnels to perform component tests under extreme environmental conditions. AVL tools are increasingly used in the fi eld of R���� for the optimization of drivea��ility. Noise and vibration tests (NVH): Worldwide, more than 70 active NVH systems are in use, demonstrating AVL’s high levels of quality and �� e��i��ility regarding project planning of test��ed solutions. Here, AVL is characterized ��y e��cellent phase control as well as replaceable roller surfaces. Electromagnetic compatibility tests (EMC): AVL is the partner with unrivalled e��perience ���� 25 years�� and the most reference installations in the fi eld of electromagnetic emission compatibility testing (EMC). Along with robust design and exact road load simulation, technical criteria such as the lowest electromagnetic emissions and high interference immunity over a wide frequency scale, up to gigahertz ranges, are the most persuasive advantages. BENEFITS AT A GLANCE • Future proof platform for intelligent drive concepts such as hybrid or electric drives, as well as complex powertrain functionalities (e.g. torque vectoring) • Shorter development times due to high levels of reproducibility of vehicle tests and well integrated devices in test cells via AVL’s control and engineering automation �� Tested usa��ility and work�� ow design on the AVL vehicle test��ed ensure reliable results • Professional project management on-site by a local contact person Climate tests of different passenger cars in the wind tunnel AVL ROADSIM NVH 4 x 4 LIGHT TRUCK vehicle testbed for noise and vibration testing AVL ROADSIM EMC 4 x 4 CAR vehicle testbed for electromagnetic compatibiilty testing

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