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TRANSIENT SOOT MEASUREMENT MSSplus – AVL Micro Soot Sensor / 178 SIMULATION SOLUTIONS TEST SYSTEM SOLUTIONS TESTING EQUIPMENT Dynamometers and Actuators Vehicle Testbeds Test Cell Mechanics and Control Rooms Media Conditioning Consumption Measurement Injection Testing Combustion Measurement Emission Analysis and Measurement In Vehicle Measurement SIMULATION TOOLS TESTING TOOLS CUSTOMER SERVICES BENEFITS AT A GLANCE • Transient measurement of soot concentration mg/m³ �� Measures soot – no cross sensitivity to other components �� High sensitivity ��resolution 0,01 ��g/m��, detection limit 1 ��g/m���� �� Wide measurement range of 1 ��g/m�� to 1,000 mg/m�� ��with conditioning unit�� • Exhaust back pressures up to 2,000 mbar, temperatures up to 1,000 ��C ��with conditioning unit�� • Can be used on chassis dyno, engine test cell and for on-��oard measurements �� Automated thermophoretic loss compensation, providing automatic calculation and display of the loss corrected soot signal The continuous lowering of emission limits re��uires increased development efforts and maximum precision during exhaust aftertreatment and combustion system development. In engine development, soot emission has always ��een measured as the fi rst parameter ��ecause it is an important indicator of combustion quality and generally a main contributor to particulate emissions. Soot is also the main parameter when evaluating the effi ciency of ��PF systems. MEASUREMENT PRINCIPLE The AVL Micro Soot Sensor is ��ased on the photo-acoustic principle. In this method, an a��sor��ing su��stance – in our case the ��lack car��on particles – is irradiated with modulated light. The periodic warming and cooling and the resulting expansion and contraction of the carrier gas produce a sound wave which is detected with a microphone. With soot-loaded air or e��haust gas, the signal increases proportionally to the concentration of soot in the measured volume. APPLICATION Due to its high sensitivity and wide measurement range, the Micro Soot Sensor can be used for measuring at the point where exhaust leaves the engine and also at the end of the tailpipe. With the optional conditioning unit, which provides dilution and pressure reduction, the instrument can also withstand the high pressures and temperatures upstream of a ��PF, making it a perfect tool for the evaluation and development of ��PF systems. The Micro Soot Sensor is likely to be used also as a soot monitor in dilution tunnels. The instrument can ��e used as a stand-alone device, and thanks to its various interfaces ��including RS232 with A�� protocol, digital/analog interface, TCP-IP��, it can also ��e easily integrated into test��ed automation systems. ��he fi gure shows the MSS soot signals of two WHTC tests. One was done with warm and the other with cold engine conditions. Especially at the beginning of the test, big differences in concentrations can be observed. MSS AVL 483 – Cold and hot WHTC Cold WHTC Hot WHTC Time s 0,40 0,35 0,30 0,25 0,20 0,15 0,10 0,05 0,00 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 Soot mg/m3

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