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SIMULATION SOLUTIONS TEST SYSTEM SOLUTIONS Electrification ��atter������e��t��������te���� E����otor����e��t��������te���� ��o��er��Electronic���� ��e��t��������te���� ��o����onent�� ��e��t��������te���� ��������on��t��e����irt��al�� te��t��e�� En��ine����e��t��������te���� En����o������ine�� ��e��t��������te���� ��eal����i��e����e��t��������te���� ��ri��eline����e��t��������te���� ����el��an����������e�� ��e��t��������te���� E��i����ion����e��t��������te������ an������ertification ��e��icle����e��t��������te���� ��acin������e��t��������te���� TESTING EQUIPMENT ����na��o��eter���� an������ct��ator�� ����icle����e��t��e���� ��e��t����ell����ec��anic������ an������ontrol����oo���� ��e��ia����on��itionin�� Consumption Measurement ��n��ection����e��tin�� ��o��������tion�� ��ea����re��ent E��i����ion����nal����i���� an������ea����re��ent ��n����e��icle�� ��ea����re��ent TESTING EQUIPMENT SIMULATION TOOLS TESTING TOOLS CUSTOMER SERVICES As a universal ��owmeter AVL PLUtron™ CLASSIC is suita��le for a very wide range of applications in the automotive sensors and on��oard intelligence, ena��ling self-diagnostic functions. It simplifies all those ��ow measurement or unknown environments. Users ��enefit from the advanced PLU measuring principle ��y a much larger dynamic range, no in��uence on the tested circuit ���� p �� 0�� and e��treme ro��ustness against vi��ration and shock. An optional integrated density meter also allows the direct measurement of mass ��ow with the PLU. MEASUREMENT PRINCIPLE PLUtron extends the traditional PLU dual sensor measurement principle. The gear head accurately measures the net ��ow rate, and ��ow rate variations are sensed ��y the piston sensor instantaneously. With PLUtron, this highly dynamic ��ow contri��ution is now added to the averaged ��ow signal of the gear head. Therefore, the response time of the electro-mechanical control loop of the servo drive is eliminated from the ��ow signal. APPLICATION AVL PLUtron™ CLASSIC is an ideal solution for in-vehicle testing on gasoline vehicles as passenger cars or motor cycles, where robustness against pressure pulsation and vibration is an increasingly important feature for achieving reliable results. Flow measurement in component production testing is another demanding field of application. The higher PLUtron resolution offers faster sta��ilization and shorter measurement time than all other devices. AVL PLUtron™ CLASSIC is an outstanding solution for many more applications on test��eds as well as in the la��, which focus on ��e��i��le use, simple setup and ro��ustness. Please consult us for / 140 1 6 1 Inlet 2 Gear meter 3 Piston sensor 4 Magnetic sensor array 5 High-power magnet 6 Outlet 2 3 4 5 Piston displacement sector. It impresses with a true “Plug & Play” usability in setup and operation, based on integrated applications where experts are not available, yet reliable results must be produced quickly in changing 1 Inlet 2 Gear meter 3 Piston sensor 4 Magnetic sensor array 5 High-power magnet 6 Outlet AVL PLUtron™ CLASSIC a detailed analysis of your needs and requirements. Optionally, mobile display and an integrated density meter are available. BENEFITS AT A GLANCE • Unique Plug & Play usability for optimized work��ow • Reliable results under rough conditions due to robust design and long-term stable calibration �� Higher ��e��i��ility due to large measuring ranges with highest resolution and accuracy • Up to 15 % shorter test time in component production at affordable cost of ownership �� No in��uence on engine performance PLUTRONIZE BEYOND LIMITS

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