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SAFE AND EFFECTIVE OPERATION Ensure equipment is being used productively. TRAINING AVL Training consists of a comprehensive range of training courses to ensure your staff can safely and effectively operate AVL equipment investment in training is an investment in employee motivation and skills that in turn will have a positive effect on competitiveness. Correctly trained system operators can also extend the lifetime of your equipment. START-UP & OPERATION SUPPORT AVL Start-Up & Operation Support is a service we offer to customers who have either newly installed AVL test systems or new staff members. For this initial period of getting used to the new system, / 242 SIMULATION SOLUTIONS TEST SYSTEM SOLUTIONS Electrification Battery Test Systems E-Motor Test Systems Power Electronics Test Systems Component Test Systems MBD on the virtual testbed Engine Test Systems End of Line Test Systems Real Life Test Systems Driveline Test Systems Fuel and Lube Test Systems Emission Test Systems and Certification Vehicle Test Systems Racing Test Systems TESTING EQUIPMENT SIMULATION TOOLS TESTING TOOLS CUSTOMER SERVICES Fix Maintain Use Optimize AVL CARE™ Application Services Integrated Resident Services References TESTING EQUIPMENT SIMULATION TOOLS TESTING TOOLS CUSTOMER SERVICES   Use and competently perform a wide range of testing tasks. An Fast track to comprehensive skills and usage of your test systems AVL provides one or more technical engineers to show staff how to set up and use the system, how to solve problems, and generally answer any questions that may arise. The advantage of this approach is that you can use your system productively within a very short period, as operators have learnt the most important operational steps, test procedures have been defined and tests configured. TESTBED OPERATIONS With the AVL Testbed Operations service, you can hire one or more fully-qualified test engineers for a certain time. This service is particularly useful if you are short of staff or during periods of heavy workload. AVL takes care of specific and agreed tasks and jobs embedded in your primary value creation chain. In line with a defined work split, AVL will help you focus on your core competencies. Agreed KPIs will ensure a seamless interaction within teams and responsibilities.

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