Strategic Purchasing -Fardin

The products developed by the Instrumentation and Test Systems (ITS) division at AVL are needed to test and validate electrical drive components such as batteries, e-motors or inverters. The components and materials required for this, such as circuit boards or the packaging for the measuring devices, are organized by Strategic Purchasing.

“In price negotiations, doing your homework is key“

Fardin Azizi has been with AVL for many years. After graduating from the University of Applied Sciences, Fardin initially started as a purchasing manager. He quickly advanced his career to become deputy head of his department and has been Department Manager for Products and Factory Purchasing in Strategic Purchasing since April 2019. Fardin: “From my point of view, one of the most important cornerstones for the success of any company is the establishment of an optimal purchasing process for the individual product groups. In that sense, purchasing managers have a lot of responsibility both towards AVL and towards our group’s customers.”

Working there is multi-faceted, exciting and can involve various suppliers and AVL locations around the world. Fardin: “I negotiate with our international suppliers, always making sure to come to a positive conclusion that benefits AVL. One of my tips for a successful negotiation is to always prepare particularly well for a conversation. This means, for example, to be informed about current raw material prices, transport logistics, legal contract provisions or compliance rules. My work means comparing prices, offers and product qualities from different suppliers. And above all, it is absolutely essential to always treat the respective negotiation partner with respect – in person on site or via telephone or e-mail. A good purchasing manager also develops a sense for when further price negotiations are effective or when it is no longer worthwhile. You have to be able to listen well and shouldn't have any prejudices – of whatever kind. Because the other person notices that, and your negotiations may fail because of your own arrogance. And that can ultimately damage the company. In my experience, those who are most successful in price negotiations are those who have done their homework properly beforehand and have carried out careful procurement market research.”

Fardin: “It is essential to be able to create portfolio evaluations and strategies for purchasing. And of course you have to master a wide variety of negotiation techniques in strategic purchasing. Furthermore, it is key to communicate not only externally with suppliers all over the world, but also within the company with the various departments and areas at other AVL locations. We work together, we exchange ideas and develop groups of goods for AVL across the group. I like my job at AVL very much because I can use my sales and negotiating skills optimally here. And AVL offers attractive benefits and excellent career opportunities as well.”

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