At AVL, we understand the importance of creating high-quality products. But we also believe in ensuring optimal customer service for our clients. We keep this attitude throughout the buying process, the utilization phase and long after we make a sale.

Our commissioning engineers ensure that everything on the customer's testbed works harmoniously, while our Global Customer Service team prides itself on ensuring that customers can effectively and efficiently use AVL products and systems.

When working for AVL’s Commissioning and Customer Service department, your task will be to provide consistent support for our customer's systems. You will help them to get as much as possible out of their investment.

This is an activity that has many aspects. It does not just involve classic maintenance, service and repairs. It also involves services for software, including maintenance of modern, automated test systems. Customer Service is responsible for education and training, as well as ensuring that our customers can carry out their tasks efficiently.

This segment of AVL’s business model comprises an array of specific positions, including commissioning, application support and service engineers. These positions consist of a variety of operational tasks but largely focus on the smooth operation of tools and services bought from AVL. They all aim to ensure the highest customer satisfaction.

Thomas Troissinger
Commissioning Engineer


"Travelling, the projects and the working environment are the reasons why I really enjoy working at AVL"

For a role in Commissioning and Customer Service, you should have the right educational background to the position (e.g., a post-secondary degree, or its equivalent, from a vocational school in electrical or mechanical engineering, automation or communications). Since this job involves contact with customers from around the world and you will be serving as a first point-of-contact for AVL, you will need to have effective social skills and an ability to work well with customers. You will not only support customers but also the new members within our team. A high willingness to travel is also a pre-requisite for this role, as a large number of tasks within it involve being on-site. If this sounds like you, do not hesitate to apply to one of the jobs listed below.

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