In 2019, Jens Poggenburg was appointed to AVL's Management Board in the Instrumentation and Test Systems division. In this role, he is responsible for Software Products, Emission and Services, Digitalization and Innovation Management.
After studying mechanical engineering and economics at RWTH Aachen University, Jens Poggenburg worked for almost 30 years in the automotive industry in management positions focusing on technical consulting and customer services. He worked for HEAD consult, HEAD acoustics and LMS before joining AVL. There, before starting his management activities, he headed the Customer Services business unit - first in Germany, then in Europe, and finally worldwide.
In addition to his activities at AVL, he is a founding member of the Styrian Service Cluster, a board member of KVA (Customer Service Association Austria) and the Prostep iViP Association, as well as an advisory board member at Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Austria.
Jens Poggenburg lectures at the CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences in Graz and shares his experience in the areas of strategic management, service management and digitalization in presentations and publications worldwide.