Real world testing in territory validation
European Testing Support Key Visual

The advancement of modern propulsion systems has increased environmental validation efforts. This has been further exacerbated since 2020 by the international travel restrictions that have been put into place to tackle the global pandemic. Meeting validation goals is more difficult, time consuming and costly than ever before, but environmental testing is, nonetheless, essential for future vehicle releases.

So how can you conduct real-world testing with the current travel restrictions? Is it possible to validate your upcoming SOP application remotely? And how can you overcome these challenges and still meet your targets efficiently?

At AVL, we have the answers to these questions.

Global Challenges, Local Solutions

Thanks to our extensive international network of experts and our newly developed online tools we can support your localized territory testing efforts with both technological and logistical solutions. We can ship your prototypes to any global location, and our experienced engineers in the region will manage your local testing requirements, in line with your specific defined procedures.

We then post-process and analyze the data that we collect during testing or provide it to you directly in a completely raw format. In either scenario, we can provide the results you need within a fast turnaround time.

Our Resources, Your Data

Our approach follows a tailored validation plan that we define with you in advance of any remote testing being carried out. By allowing our engineers to conduct all relevant validation and development activities, it releases your engineers to get on with daily activities, reducing their testing and development workload.

By taking advantage of our global footprint in this way, you can overcome international travel restrictions to complete your validation activities, on time and to the highest standards. As the industry’s development partner, we’re here to help you overcome the biggest challenges with the best solutions possible.

AVL European Testing Support White Paper
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