Emission Analysis and Measurement

Proven testing equipment for development, certification, quality assurance and in-vehicle testing. 


To meet the requirements for better air quality, industry must continue to improve the performance of traditional powertrains, as well as accelerate powertrain electrification. At AVL, we are committed to helping OEMs develop zero-impact emission mobility solutions. Testing and validation are key to achieving this and to ensuring the highest quality results. However, handling the wide range of testing tasks, methods and products required by this process can be challenging. 

In the coming years and decades, vehicle manufacturers and suppliers will need to address issues such as helping to reduce global warming, avoiding further greenhouse gas emission, and improving local air quality. All these issues will be subject to legislation. Tailoring a solution to perfectly fit the specific needs of your complex testing tasks requires a holistic approach that considers as many variables as possible. This is where we can help. Our complete and comprehensive product portfolio delivers solutions for every testing requirement present in the development process for a modern engine, vehicle, or powertrain. All the devices and systems required for a particular application are seamlessly integrated, resulting in a highly automated state-of-the-art testing system. 

CO2 reduction

Real Driving Emission (RDE) tests that evaluate engine emissions under normal driving conditions and Worldwide Harmonized Light-duty Test Procedure (WLTP) tests are mandatory for all vehicles. WLTP tests ensure that the results of testing conducted in the lab are more representative and RDE tests ensure that the results are more realistic. In-Service Conformity (ISC) requirements ensure that low emissions are met in the fleet. While these standards reduce emissions, they also increase development effort by a factor of 2 or 3, and vehicle type approval testing effort by a factor between 7 and 9. The challenge that AVL helps you to overcome is to meet these targets while reducing the complexity of development and testing in order to ensure reasonable test costs and reduce time-to-market.

M.O.V.E iS+
Brake Wear

AVL offers a wide range of solutions – from test bed to road – for the functional development and dimensioning of brake systems and components for both conventionally and electrically driven vehicles. These range from engineering services, virtual brake simulation, precise brake testing and trial procedures, to reliable validations and special requirements such as the measurement of brake torque or brake emissions.
AVL can provide the whole development process for brake systems starting with the initial concept. Simulation enables fading or brake pedal phenomena to be investigated by varying thermal, NVH, and wear behavior.

Front view of Tank Heating Unit
AVL Tank Heating Unit i60

Test solution designed to perform running loss tests by simulating the heat radiation from the road asphalt to the fuel tank on the vehicle underbody.


Everything that excels at a glance: AVL highlights you shouldn't miss.

Insights EU7 Standards
Insights and Interpretation Into the Latest EU7 Standards

WEBINAR - The upcoming European vehicle emission standards Euro 7 publication by the European Commission will outline testing and certification updates which will need to be addressed when developing future propulsion solutions.

On-board Monitoring
On-Board Monitoring for EU7 – Evolution vs. Revolution

As automotive emissions continue to stay in the focus of environmental regulations, OBM (On-Board Monitoring) emerges as a substantial instrument for ensuring emission compliance with EU7 standards. 

AVL Creators Expedition
AVL Creators Expedition receives Fraunhofer Corporate Venturing Award

AVL List GmbH has received this year's Corporate Venturing Award from Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology. 

75 Years Special Edition of FOCUS Magazine
75 Years Special Edition of FOCUS Magazine Now Available

With captivating stories and insightful interviews, we invite you to join us as we embark on the exciting journey of AVL, diving into our rich history and envisioning the endless possibilities ahead.

AVL 75 Years
AVL 75 Years: New Brand Movie out Now

As we have been celebrating 75 years of Reimagining Motion throughout this year, we are thrilled to release our new brand movie, commemorating this remarkable milestone of technology excellence and innovation.

EcoVision Award
AVL received the Global EcoVision Award for achievements in Hungary

AVL List GmbH received the Global EcoVision Award from WKÖ in the presence of Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer, Federal Minister Martin Kocher, and WKÖ President Harald Mahrer for the achievements in Hungary.

AVL Brain
AVL Records Growth of 18 Percent and Continues to Invest in New and Sustainable Mobility Solutions

AVL generated 1.86 billion Euros in turnover last year – Eleven percent flows into research and development – 60 percent of the turnover is already generated by new technologies.

Focus Magazin
New FOCUS Magazine 2023

Make sure to explore various interesting topics in the latest issue of our Mobility Trend Magazine!